Questions tagged [ps3]

The PlayStation 3 (PS3) is a home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment.

The PlayStation 3 (PS3) is a home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment.
It is the successor to PlayStation 2, as part of the PlayStation series.

78 questions
2 answers

Commercial video games

What language are ps3 and xbox 360 game written in? Are the games written in the same language for both systems? Also is the code something you could run on a computer?
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2 answers

Taking input from a PS3 controller

I want to connect a PS3 Controller to my computer (using a usb cable) and use it to control something (like a game). Using c# (or c/c++) Can someone point me into the right direction (perhaps a tutorial)? Is there a good library that I can use? I…
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2 answers

Instantiate a class within another class

I'm new to C++ as to Qt. I have the following problem: I want to instantiate a CLEyeCameraCapture object within the Qt header public part, however I get heaps of syntax errors from CLEyeCameraCapture.h. I get the following (german) syntax…
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3 answers

Is there any JVM that runs on a CBE?

I'm designing a question-answering system using Apache-UIMA. The system should finally run on a IBM Cell-Broadband-Engine processor(PS3). I'm planning to design the whole thing in Java. But I'm not sure whether Java app could be run on a CBE. Is…
1 answer

Undefined reference to 'sqrt' from math.h on PS3 with YDL 6.1 and Cell SDK 3.1?

I have a PS3 that I've installed YDL 6.1 and SDK 3.1 on and everything seems to be working fine, as I can compile and run the examples. However, I've run into some problems with writing programs of my own. I've created a small test case that seems…
Paul Wicks
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2 answers

are there DOM events for controller presses on the PS3?

I want to develop a site which is easy to use from a Playstation 3 PS3 game console web browser. I thought it would be good to make screen actions on button presses on the console. I can find no information on how to do this after quite a bit of…
2 answers

how to get prices from Playstation Store

I guess it is loaded by ajax. I already tried CURL, DOMDocument and PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser Details: I'm trying to get the price of games on Playstation Store. I have an url like…
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8 answers

Make a cosine table with the gcc preprocessor

I wish to make a cosine table at compile time. Is there a way to do this without hard coding anything?
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3 answers

Is there a way to communicate with the PS3's bluetooth connection in Java

I've searched extensibly but haven't found anything useful. I am wondering if it would be possible to create a remote control app for a smartphone. Some older forum posts I've read said that it is not, but these posts were several years old.
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1 answer

Input from PS3 controller in OpenFL?

This is the code I'm currently using. (Not my own). It detects when a controller has been plugged in, and outputs a few bits of relevant info. What I can't figure out is how to access the button data. Although it successfully recognises I've plugged…
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2 answers

Largest representable negative floating-point number

What is a platform-independent way of specifying the largest representable negative floating-point number? We found an algorithm that broke when run on a PS3's SPU, but worked fine when compiled for the PPU: float x = -FLT_MAX; /* stuff */ if (x >…
Blair Holloway
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0 answers

Read analog button values from PS3 controller on OS X

So I am playing with IOKit and getting input from my PS3 controller. It works and I can read the state of every button and both sticks. Sort of. I only get an integer value of 0 or 1 from the triggers and the dpad. When I test the controller on…
1 answer

JS Error Console on PS3?

Does anyone know if it's possible to bring up an error console in the P3 web browser? I'm trying to debug a site that isn't rendering on the PS3.
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1 answer

Are there are any Java libraries to talk to a PS3 controller?

I received a Mindstorms NXT set for Christmas. The first thing I did was install lejos on it so I can program the thing in Java. I built my first robot which basically drives until it gets close to something then swings its arm in a stabbing…
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2 answers

How to cross compile for the PS3 from Mac OS X?

Has anyone done this before, and if so how do you setup the development environment?
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