Questions tagged [project]

In software development, a project is a collection of files and resources used in the development of an application or service. Use [ms-project] for Microsoft Project questions.

In software development, a project is a collection of files and resources used in the development of an application or service.

For questions related to Microsoft Project use the tag .

4325 questions
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No visible @interface for 'HODatabasesManager' declares the selector 'db'

The error is: No visible @interface for 'HODatabasesManager' declares the selector 'db'. #import "BaseDB.h" @implementation BaseDB - (void)executeInBackgroundSuccess:(void (^)(id))success { dispatch_async(backgroundQueue(), ^{ id…
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How can I create a project in JIRA using REST API call in SPRING MVC application?

I need to use basic authorization and then create a project in JIRA via REST API call. I can't clearly get from the following URL I need a working example for this.
Megha kaur
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1 answer

multi-modules project with maven is not working as expected?

Hi I am trying to create a multi-modules project in eclipse with m2eclipse. I followed some tutorials but the way it work is not what i expect: Here is the structure of my project -Root - webapps - module1 - module2 I…
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Project Tango Unable To Instantiate Activity

Application used to work on older software revisions, but now crashes on startup. My guess is that this isn't a problem with Unity, since I can easily work with other projects, but an issue with wither my device or how I have things set up in the…
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Eclipse: Dynamic Web Project

How do i create a "Dynamic Web Project" in eclipse? I am trying to learn primefaces. I am trying to follow video tutorial Here I am supposed to go to file->new and then create a dynamic web project. I do not have this option however. I have tried to…
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Web Setup Project - 'special folder' for working folder

I'm currently building a web setup project and need to include some executables for the initial installation process. I need to include vsdbcmd + libs for creating an update script when installing my web application. My question is whether or not it…
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1 answer

Visual Studio project references not recognized. Forced to remove then re-add the project reference

I'm having an issue with my solution finding project references after I pull the source code from TFS. After I get latest, I'll compile my solution and it will complain that it cannot find classes in other projects. These have been added as project…
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1 answer

Laravel project setup into hosting server

I have a Laravel 5 project into WAMP and it is working in localhost:8000. I need to setup this project into staging server. So the URL will be like How to setup my project into other server?
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Public python program as one file with all modules included

I am new in Python, and I wonder if I can release my program in some kind of compiled build project with all modules and librarys included, so I can run it on diffrent systems? I don't want to install opencv on every pc.
Dawid Po
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1 answer

Can I require (the simpler way) to copy the resultant config-file of my dll instead of post-build event using?

My solution contains two projects. One of them is console application, but second is dll. Each of them has own output directory. Both projects contains App.config files. Their names in the output directories are MyConsoleApp.exe.config and…
Andrey Bushman
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1 answer

Languages to be used in sketch generation and lip synch

i am a final year student of computer engg.i am doing a project on sketch generation from an image.The generated sketch will then be given the feature of lip synch. I wanted to know what type of programming languages would be suitable for this kind…
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2 answers

Import a GitHub library into an existing Eclipse project

I have an existing Eclipse Java project and I want to add this library (Eclipse plugin for working with Git repositories) to the project. How can I do that in Eclipse? Is there a menu or something to add a library?
Mirko Marchiori
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2 answers

Python behaviour I can't understand

I am doing a project for school that needs to search a database (csv) for products. It does this by matching a verified EAN-8 code to the 0th column of each row, scanned in a for loop. There is a try, except that tries to match the code, and then…
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1 answer

Mastermind with duplicate pegs (editted only parts that matter)

Hi i have been coding for the classic mastermind game for a while. The program seems to work perfectly when there is no duplicate pegs. public static void guessingNumber(int [] digits){ print("Guess 5 digits numbers! only have 7…
2 answers

Development workflow for small team

So, I'm working in a small event/entertainment company and have recently taken over responsibility for the development team (PHP applications, most of the time). The current workflow looks kind of like this: For every project there is a development…
Chris Meh
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