Questions tagged [profiler]

A profiler is a programming tool used to track and analyse the performance of a software program.

A profiler is a programming tool to track and analyse the performance of a software program. Profilers can focus on different aspects, for example:

  • memory usage
  • cpu usage
  • the frequency and duration of function/method calls
  • resource usage

Most profilers use a process called instrumentation (adding measuring code) to gather data, but some profilers can also use sampling (polling data at specific intervals).

1568 questions
11 answers

Best .NET memory and performance profiler?

We are using JetBrains' dotTrace. What other profiling tools can be recommended that are better for profiling C# Windows Forms applications?
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6 answers

CSS Performance Profiler?

I'm currently working on a site, and somewhere in my mass of stylesheets, something is killing performance in IE. Are there any good CSS profilers out there? I'd like a tool that can pinpoint rules that are killing performance. Before you ask,…
Andy Edinborough
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5 answers

How can I profile a SQLAlchemy powered application?

Does anyone have experience profiling a Python/SQLAlchemy app? And what are the best way to find bottlenecks and design flaws? We have a Python application where the database layer is handled by SQLAlchemy. The application uses a batch design, so a…
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6 answers

Recommendations for C Profilers?

Everyone always says to profile your program before performing optimizations but no-one ever describes how to do so. What are your practices for profiling C code?
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2 answers

Scala profiler?

I started to program in Scala recently. I'm looking for a free Scala profiler. Reading from the language's official site led me to YourKit, but the program was not a free one. Googling "scala profiler" didnt give me any relevant result. So how do I…
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8 answers

How do I disable the Symfony 2 profiler bar?

It's not adding anything and it makes the page slower and I want it gone. Don't ask. There's little about the profiler on the website and nothing in the app config.
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10 answers

Best and safest Java Profiler for production use?

I'm looking for a Java Profiler for use in a very high demand production environment, either commercial or free, that meets all of the following requirements: Lightweight integration with code (no recompile with special options, no code hooks,…
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14 answers

VisualVM "not supported for this JVM" on all local applications?

I have already spent a long time to load and test my application, now I need to profile it. But unluckily, the VisualVM always says "not supported for this JVM" on my local applications? The applications were started on the same JVM with VisualVM.
Loc Phan
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2 answers

:app:transform Classes With Profilers-transform For Debug FAILED

The following error occurred while opening Android Profiler compilation: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithProfilers-transformForDebug'.
5 answers

profiling a method of a class in Python using cProfile?

I'd like to profile a method of a function in Python, using cProfile. I tried the following: import cProfile as profile # Inside the class method..."self.myMethod()", "output_file") But it does not work. How can I call a self.method…
4 answers

How to profile memory usage?

I am aware of Valgrind, but it just detects memory management issues. What I am searching is a tool that gives me an overview, which parts of my program do consume how much memory. A graphical representation with e.g. a tree map (as KCachegrind does…
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1 answer

How to read nodejs internal profiler tick-processor output

I'm interested in profiling my Node.js application. I've started it with --prof flag, and obtained a v8.log file. I've taken the windows-tick-processor and obtained a supposedly human readable profiling log. At the bottom of the question are a few a…
nathan g
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5 answers

If profiler is not the answer, what other choices do we have?

After watching the presentation "Performance Anxiety" of Joshua Bloch, I read the paper he suggested in the presentation "Evaluating the Accuracy of Java Profilers". Quoting the conclusion: Our results are disturbing because they indicate that…
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7 answers

Symfony profiler throws 404

I've created new project in symfony and I get an error prompt on each site: An error occurred while loading the web debug toolbar (404: Not Found). Do you want to open the profiler? When I open the profiler there is a message Token not found …
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2 answers

VisualVM: CPU/Memory profiler stuck at "Connecting to the target JVM..."

I have recently reinstalled Windows and I am using JDK 1.8 u91 with the built-in VisualVM. I have checked my proxy settings to ensure that they are all off, both in Windows proxy settings and within the proxy settings of VisualVM. I have also tried…
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