Questions tagged [procmail]

Procmail is a powerful Mail Delivery Agent (MDA) capable of sorting and filtering mail based on rulesets called recipes. It's rather *nix-centric, terse, mature, and proven. However, it is now unmaintained.

Procmail is a versatile mail delivery agent (MDA) for Unix-like systems. If features a simple language for articulating delivery rules (aka recipes) to sort, forward, manipulate, and otherwise process incoming email messages.

Procmail was created in the early 1990s by Stephen R. van den Berg. After his involvement waned, Philip Guenther took over as maintainer, and published some new versions at However, this site is now dead, and as of 2010, Guenther recommends users to switch to alternative tools such as maildrop.

In spite of its age and security issues, Procmail remains popular in some environments.


168 questions
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procmail - using {} won't deliver to mbox

I'm trying to use procmail to tidy up some old email into my thunderbird mbox file, however I can't seem to get it to file into an mbox file when using braces. Doing the simple test below with and without braces provides different outcomes - what am…
1 answer

procmail create a new folder if not exist with name of recipient address

Can someone explain how to get the send to mail address with procmail and extract all up to and then create a new folder with the name? Example: I collect all mail in one account so the addresses and…
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Email html to csv file

I have one email with html format and need to download it and need to make one csv semicolon field separator result to a new file. Example of the email recieved: Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Thu Jul 11 2019
2 answers

How to split single mail with procmail?

I have a quarantine folder that I periodically have to download and split by recipient inbox or even better split each message in a text file. I have c.a. 10.000 mails per day and I'm coding something with fetchmail and procmail. The problem is that…
Wyatt Gillette
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Procmail Forward script to forward emails from one domain to the other

I am trying to write a procmail forward script, which will forward all the mails received at to mydomain.NET. To be more clear, if mail is, it should forward to: Like this it should forward for…
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Procmail - execute Java file

How can I execute .jar file via procmail? My recipe: :0 * ^Subject.*test * B ?? test | /usr/local/bin/java /home/username/.procmail/printer.jar In present form it doesn't work but if I change executing jar file to forward mail like that: !…
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Procmail mail to file

i want to configure procmail. Right now i've got code to redirect mails with selected topic from server mail to my mail. It's my code: :0 c *Subject.*ExampleTopic I want to copy mail content to selected .txt file on server. How can…
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global procmailrc and sendmail execution rights

I am setting up procmail on my Debian Jessie mail server with the following global procmail config file…
David Sardari
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procmail reciepe to remove mailing list tags from subject line

Most mailing lists prepend the subject line with a tag like f.e. [name-of-the-mailing-list] Original subject line How would I remove those tags in square brackets and eventually put them in an appropriate folder using a procmail recipe?
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Intregrate existing Procmail with with new SpamAssassin

For many, many years, I have successfully been using procmail and it's recipes without issue, and I have many, many recipes. A few weeks ago, my system adopted/started using spamassassin, and now those procmail recipes that have been used for years…
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Email Forwarding on a unix system using .procmailrc

I need to forward all the incoming mails on a linux system to the folder /home/INBOX. How can I make the mbox of incoming msgs be created in this folder which automatically gets all the mails forwarded here? I am using the following code that is…
Aditya Raman
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Forward a mail, adding the beginning of the body to the email subject

How can I append the beginng of body to the subject of the mail using e.g. procmail? The body of new mail can be erased.
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Procmail to process a forwarded email

I want to process incoming forwarded emails received by procmail to grab the subject and recipient of the forwarded (child) email. For example: UserA receives an email from UserB UserA forwards that email to the email server email server receives…
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sorting mails by subject content

I'm receiving several mails per day from different senders with different subjects. Usually, there is some identifier (integer) that is within the Subject:, and I'd like to sort mails according to that identifier. The parsing of the identifier…
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postfix virtual domain, users, aliases, and procmail

I have had a virtual postfix/dovecot/procmail server set up for some time, and for the most part everything is working fine. The only quirk that I can’t figure out is some virtual aliases seem to fall through to the virtual domain’s catchall mailbox…
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