Questions tagged [powerapps-component-framework]

Use this tag for questions related to Microsoft PowerApps Component Framework (PCF) earlier called as Custom Control Framework, for developing reusable controls for both Model-driven and Canvas PowerApps.

  • Replace a field that displays a numeric text value with a dial or slider code component.
  • Transform a list into an entirely different visual experience bound to the data set like a Calendar or Map.

Official documentation

18 questions
1 answer

The value of a PCF Control isn't always loaded; is it a race condition, or is it something else? How can I tell?

Has anyone else seen race conditions in the init of a Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) to where the value of the control isn't set? How would I go about testing that? I don't see an API call when the form is loaded (in UCI)? I do see it in the…
0 answers

Integrating CKEditor in PCF, I want to get and set CKEditor data

I am making a PCF control and including CKEditor in it. I am generating the script tag in my init() and setting the src to CKEditor's CDN. I am using a HTML TextArea and replacing it with CKEditor (setting class to CKEditor). In my getOutputs and…
1 answer

How to create custom save button using pcf control D365

How to create custom save button using pcf controls and show on form ribbon in d365 ? Please suggest how to create button.