Questions tagged [postmark]

Postmark helps deliver and track transactional emails for web applications. In a nutshell, the service replaces SMTP (or Sendmail) with a far more reliable, scalable and care-free environment.

From its developer site:

Postmark helps deliver and track transactional emails for web applications. In a nutshell, the service replaces SMTP (or Sendmail) with a far more reliable, scalable and care-free environment. In addition, you can track statistics such as number of emails sent or processed, opens, bounces and spam complaints.


108 questions
1 answer

postmark mail provider says. mails "In queue" ?

I am currently working on postmark mail provider. it was working for me good. but now it is not working. it says " in queue. This email uses a Postmark Template, but has not yet been rendered by our system. Please check again shortly." please…
Navaneethan Arun
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Different name in html and plain text when submitting email

I'm having a problem when submitting email through loop. I'm getting different username in html and plain text format. This is my controller function report() { $this->load->model('Searchmonitoring_db'); $results =…
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Remove certain text from String

So I've been working on a programm to use postmark to send emails through a GUI. What my issue is it works and all, but I have a SubscribedList and an unsubbedList. What I'm trying to achieve is to scan the subbed and unsubbed and then send a string…
1 answer

"{\"ErrorCode\":402,\"Message\":\"Received invalid JSON input.\"}" When trying to call restsharp to make call to Postmark

i'm trying to make a call to Postmarks email service RestAPI using restsharp in C# and get a "{\"ErrorCode\":402,\"Message\":\"Received invalid JSON input.\"}" error every time i send it even though i have set the data format to json, i have even…
0 answers

Encoding an EPPlus Excel file's byte array as a string in order to email it as an attachment using Postmark API

I'm using EPPlus to create an Excel file with a couple of sheets and some data inside of it. I can convert it to a byte array using the ExcelPackage class's GetAsByteArray() method. I can also use the ExcelPackage constructor to make an excel file…
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public_send method_missing in spree with postmark

After install postmark gem and edit config/application as instruct. I try forget password in Spree but error shown in User Screen. At the heroku logs I found the step public_send shown method_missing. Don't know what missing?
Prateep Kul
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why can't I send email by postmark-rails?

I've created a service on and checked it with: curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Postmark-Server-Token: my token" \ -d "{From:…
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Using phpmailer to sent emails to a fixed address but from differents sources

I have a page in my website (contacts.html) that as a form to send emails to a specific fount (email that a create to receive those emails from different founts).I'm using Postmark as host. this is the code to send email (using phpmailer, and…
Adriano Maia
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Password reset with Parse on Azure & Postmark

I have migrated data from the parse website to Azure's version of parse and notice some components were missing like an email adapter. So I follow the instructions from here I'm able to…
1 answer

No transport method defined :calender event

i need to set a outlook calender event for which i am using postmark SMTP service I used iCalToolkit to create a calendar object. but here i am getting an error [No transport method defined] Few days before it was working properly but it started…
Shikha thakur
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[Error:connect ETIMEDOUT]

I am trying to do outlook calender event for that i used mailing service and i am using express frame work and mongoose queries in my project Here is my code below: var _ = require('lodash'); var Outlook = require('./outlook.model'); var…
Shikha thakur
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1 answer

PostMarkEmail response callback

I want to get the response from postmark that whether my email has been sent or not. Is there any way like few API's which provide the status callBack in Api that would automatically let our app know about the response which postmark would send for…
Salman Iqbal
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Emails not sending in Heroku using Postmark

When on Heroku my custom mailer does not send, I get no errors at all. This is the log - Spree::HmsCommunicator#progress_email: processed outbound mail in 5.5ms => nil It works perfectly fine in development - Spree::HmsCommunicator#progress_email:…
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How to send templated emails?

How does one send a templated Postmark message on ASP.NET? I'd imagine it would be done in this way: TemplatedPostmarkMessage message = new TemplatedPostmarkMessage { From = "", To = "", TemplateId = 1738, …
Sergey Smirnov
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1 answer

Postmark issues - no method error

I'm trying to integrate a mailer into my application. I need to send a transactional e-mail when a new order is placed. I keep running into a no method error when passing the recipient to the mailer. This works fine when I define the recipient…
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