Questions tagged [postman-collection-runner]

Use this tag for issues with Postman Collection Runner; use the [postman] tag for general Postman issues.

You can use Collection Runner to run all the requests of a Postman Collection in one go.

Postman Collection Runner


342 questions
1 answer

how to handle "Invalid closing quote at line 2; found "\"" instead of delimiter ","" in newman

I am running postman collection in command prompt newman run "path\FCE_CalculateRate.postman_collection.json" -e "path\DevEnv.postman_environment.json" -d "path\Automated_Testing_Input_Data_06Apr18.csv" Prompts error message : Invalid closing…
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Create several requests at once in Postman

I am trying to test GitHub API and explore it's different endpoints. I have the different possibilities which are returned by let's say the initial get request on The returned list is: { "current_user_url":…
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Postman - Consider Timeout as test failure

I am using Postman v5.5.3 and trying to run a collection of requests with tests and report the results. I would like a TIMEOUT to be considered a test failure. This is not happening right now. I have 2 asserts as: pm.test("Status code is 200",…
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How to make multiple postman requests with cycle-generated variables?

Task: I've got some id's on a server and I need to remove some of them while it's only possible to delete one per request. Result example: requests and Actual result: just one request…
Alex Tumanov
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2 answers

I'm writing a REST Api using express.js (Mongoose )

[ { "end_year": "", "intensity": 6, "sector": "Energy", "topic": "gas", "insight": "Annual Energy Outlook", "url": "", …
2 answers

Postman - POST request with file upload

I'm testing a flow of events which one of the steps is to upload a file, this is a RAR file.  This step is made by POST request and in the body you can add fields and give them a value, also, you can choose a file field and on the right side you…
0 answers

Giving random name to a file before the POST method

I have an issue with the Postman/Node.js as in when I try to do POST method with a document attached. I want to change the name of the file before the request because two files of the same name cannot be uploaded. I want to be able to set it up so a…
2 answers

Postman integration with Jenkins, table not shown properly

I have integrated a Postman sample with Jenkins and the same works properly in the newman cmd line, but not in Jenkins. [
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Collection Runner - How to setup environment specific variables based on the currently running environment?

I have created two environments and need to setup some environment specific variables in 'Pre request script' of the first request based on the currently running environment in collection runner. Is there any way to do this? Or Is there any way to…
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How to retrieve the HTTP code using postman from a Json slim response?

I'm currently developing a REST API with the Slim framework. To test my API I'm using postman but I can't retrieve the status code sent by the slim method: $response->withJson($data, $status, $encodingOptions) $slimApp->post('/v1/users',…
Rémy Machado
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1 answer

How to automate Rest apis testing using Postman Collection Runner, if header of each test cases require fresh token

JWT Token(having fix time duration(about 1 hr)) is needed inside Header of Postman to test Rest-apis. How to automate such test cases if it require token having fix time duration. I have written approx 30 test cases,if I run my test cases using…
1 answer

How to pass csv data in postman collection so monitor can pick it

I have a situation where I have added my testdata in csv sheet. Moreover, I have created automated tests in js and I am passing this csv data with csv at the time of Collection Runner. It is working fine with postman on my local but when I run these…
Shubham Jain
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Execution requests n times with Postman

I need to execute a requests n times which in his body has an id value. Collection runner lets executing complete collection n times but I have not found anything for concrete requests. Request body: { "idEncargo":XXXXXXXX } From previous request…
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Value not substiuting in Postman Runner Collection

I'm trying to execute REST Webservice with multiple input from csv file in Postman Runner collection, but in URL param my csv value is not substituting. I followed the same example even that's not working -…
learn java
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Chaining requests with variables in Postman?

I need some help with the Postman runner feature to bulk change around 50 sheets in SmartSheet. All the sheets are within the same folder and I have a sheet that the by csv upload but having trouble with more variables. I have a model sheet to…
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