Questions tagged [portforwarding]

Port forwarding or port mapping is a name given to the combined technique of translating the address and/or port number of a packet to a new destination, possibly accepting such packet(s) in a packet filter (firewall), or forwarding the packet according to the routing table.

If you have a local such as or you may need port forwarding settings on your network equipments such as router to make your server accessible from the Internet by knowing your network external IP or using any dynamic dns services such as The following website, is regarded as an ultimate resource showing you how to apply port forwarding settings on your router. It is classified database for most routers available world wide:

1280 questions
2 answers

How do I assign an port to a domain on aws ec2

I have a google flask website running on my AWS ec2 instance on port 7000. So when I go to my public dns url with the port it takes me to my page. How can I assign this url and port to a single domain I…
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iptables port forwding - nothing returned

I'm stumped. This is how my iptables are configured on Debian 7. sudo iptables -S -P INPUT ACCEPT -P FORWARD ACCEPT -P OUTPUT ACCEPT -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8090 -j ACCEPT -A…
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Port forwarding with private IP

I use a static IP connection, Configured to TPLINK router. I have a local server running which i can access from my network, but i want it to be accessed outside network. So I did port forwarding. and its Successfully running. Now the problem is…
Dip Dolui
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How To Access FileZilla Remotely?

I've Created My Own FileZilla FTP server and I wanted to access it from my local Network. So I've done that. but there are Two Problems I'm Facing right now. Problem 1:- Can't connect ON PC which is connected with same Router But with LAN My…
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Port forward on router logic

After port forwarded in the router, does it mean that the port is opened even I didn't use it? From my current situation, the port is closed while I am not using it. But what can trigger the port to be open? Shutdown my port forwarded PC will turn…
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Does having a non-static ip stop you from port forwarding?

I've been trying to port forward on my router for the last couple days with little success. I just realized that my IP is not in fact static as it is supposed to be, would this cause ports to show as closed?
3 answers

Port forwarding raspberry pi port 80 without router access

Is there any way to port forward port 80 to my internal Pi ip address without going into router settings? Since I live on campus i don't really think that it is an option
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2 answers

Can't Port Forward To Ubuntu Web Server

I've set up an Ubuntu Web Server to host a game that uses port 25565. I've set the router to port forward that port to the web server and gave the web server a static local IP. I've done this before using my own PC as the server. When I try…
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Do I need for forward local ports?

Do I need to forward these ports? Is there a way to do it on Windows 7? I've tried using a program named smart port forwarding but it crashes when the program is running. Thanks in advance.
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Multiple OpenVPN Connections to Different Ports

I have done research into this, however, I don't really understand how I can accomplish this. OpenVPN FAQ Regarding this Topic: My…
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How to forward a port for someone, who is connected to my network over Open VPN?

A few days ago, my friend tried to make a CS:GO server, but he doesn't have a public IP, so he tried doing it using ngrok, but that didn't work. So he asked me forward it for him, could someone please tell me, how can he host it to a OpenVPN server…
1 answer

How to use ssh portforwarding correctly

On my Pc i got a service which runs on port 51069. I want that this service is reachable with port 80. I tried this comand ssh -L 51069:localhost:80 localhost But it not works, when i ask with my browser for localhost i get not the web service…
Marius Illmann
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Why do we have to use port 8001 when Port Forwarding?

I've tried to do as much research as I can around this and I can't seem to understand one thing. For my University project we were required to do the following: In VirtualBox Manager select File>Preferences. Select Network and choose NatNetwork…
1 answer

Port forward port 80 to diff websites depending on sub-domain wherein contents reside in diff machines

In the coming months I'll be creating different websites. Actually, one has been up already for awhile but I shut it down because of internet issues. My issue now is I want to create another website but just under a certain sub-domain. I want to do…
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How to setup my localhost server so that I don't have to enter the port number to surf the site?

I started a server inside my PC and when I want to visit localhost with a browser I have to write localhost:8080 When I am trying to enter in the site with another PC or Phone through WIFI I have to write something like: My…
Sohan Arafat
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