Questions tagged [plotly.js]

Plotly.js is a high-level, declarative charting library. It ships with 20 chart types, including 3D charts, statistical graphs, and SVG maps. It is built on top of d3.js and

396 questions
1 answer

How to plot a vector field in Julia?

I want to plot a vector field in Julia. I could not find an example here. Here there are some examples using plotly, however, they do not work for me. I would like to plot the vector field by plotlyjs or plotly. Here is an example code in…
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How to get grouped boxplots with vertical subplots

I'm trying to create a chart like the one in this image using Plotly.js: It's a grouped boxplot (by sites, currently only one) with two y axes. I've managed to create two versions, both of which don't work: Create 5 traces (1 for each box) so that…
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How to add colored background bars in plotly.js chart

How can "plot bands", or shaded areas in a chart, be added to a plotly-js chart? Something looking like this picture: (Which comes from a different product: Highcharts) Specifically, I would want to add background color to some portions (multiple…
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2 answers

Is there a way to show text in plotly graph tooltip without being overlapped?

As shown in codepen below, text value for trace 1 is being trimmed as it is close to chart border. Need to show these numbers above everything else. Have tried setting z-index. Didn't worked. var trace1 =…
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Plotly: How to add polynomial fit line to plotly go.scatter figure using a DASH callback?

I'd like to add a polynomial curve to a scatter plot that is rendered using a callback. Following is my callback function which returns the scatter plot. @app.callback(Output('price-graph', 'figure'), [ Input('select',…
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Update ‘x’ and ‘y’ values of a trace using Plotly.update()

Is it possible to update the x and y properties of a trace using Plotly.update()? Updating the marker.color property of the trace works well. But when I try updating the x or y properties the trace disappears from the graph. And there is no…
Jeremiah England
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plotly.js, how to adjust title area size

I have a scatter plot as shown below with code. How do I make the title area not take up this much space? Just to be clear, I don't mean the font size of the title, but the empty space the title area occupies. var rstTrace = { x: x_data, …
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Plotly - Hide data on hover tooltip depending on value?

When I hover over a stacked line chart, it shows zeroes for all lines not in range. Is there a way to hide these values rather than adding noise to the hover tool? Minimal Example Plotly.newPlot('test', [{ line: { shape : 'vh' }, stackgroup:…
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Plotly.js in relative barmode labels are overlapped when both bars have value 0

Continue my journey with Plotly.js. I'm using relative barmode and need to show some customized text when both opposite bars have value 0. The issue that for value 0 both bars grow in the same direction and labels are overlapped: The only solution…
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0 answers

To highlight one point in Violin chart PlotlyJS

I am using Violin chart of PlotylyJS library, and it takes an array of elements and plots it on the chart. Is possible if I want to highlight one point with a different color from that array? Like if my array is demoViolin = [31.8, 63.5, 65, 59,…
Salomi Edward
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1 answer

Plotly JS line graph has very weird lines

So I have a site where I am doing some data modeling using plotly.js. I am plotting a large number of points (in the thousands). on my backend, I calculate regression equations for the points, and generate coordinates for each x value on the graph.…
wil moskal
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1 answer

Conditional formatting in Plotly

This question is about how to do conditional formatting in Plotly. Instances where this might be needed: Scatter plots where points need to be colored (i.e. rainbow) as a function of 2 variable; Interactive charts where the coloring depends on the…
Sandu Ursu
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2 answers

Plotly.js display tooltip on hover over graph title

Plotly.js allows you to specify a graph title, but there doesn't seem to be an option for specifying a longer description to be shown on hovering over the title. So, I added a title attribute to the text element that encloses the title text, and…
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1 answer

Reduce Plotly.js library size

I am building a simple landing page which includes a 3d scatterplot graphic from plotly, nevertheless the minified library weights 3MB, way too big for a mobile landing page. In this closed feature request, they speak about modularise the library so…
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1 answer

Change the background color of a plot

I am using Plotly.js for plots on my website. I can't for the life of me figure out how to change the background color to anything besides white. Can that be done, or am I just missing something? Space isn't white, it is black, it would be nice to…
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