Questions tagged [pitch-tracking]

Pitch tracking is the process of finding the dominant frequency of an audio signal.

Pitch tracking is the process of finding the dominant frequency of an audio signal.

Applied to programming, Pitch tracking often involves the use of frequency-domain technics such as the but some time-domain technics exist as well.

wikipedia artcile about pitch tracking algorithms

68 questions
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Detecting linear interpolation of two frequnecies on embedded system

I am trying to recognise a sequence of audio frames on an embedded system - an audio frame being a frequency or interpolation of two frequencies for a variable amount of time. I know the sounds I am trying to recognise (i.e. the start and end…
2 answers

Autocorrelation code in Python produces errors (guitar pitch detection)

This link provides code for an autocorrelation-based pitch detection algorithm. I am using it to detect pitches in simple guitar melodies. In general, it produces very good results. For example, for the melody C4, C#4, D4, D#4, E4 it…
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Harmonic product spectrum for single guitar note Python

I am trying to detect the pitch of a B3 note played with a guitar. The audio can be found here. This is the spectrogram: As you can see, it is visible that the fundamental pitch is about 250Hz which corresponds to the B3 note. It also contains a…
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Javascript: How to determine the musical key of mp3 files

I've done a lot of Google searching but haven't been able to find an example on how to determine the musical note of mp3 files. So far, I've read something about FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) from which the pitch of an audio file can be calculated…
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How to implement my own HPS algorithm?

I'm starting a project on Python where I need to develop a pitch-detection system, basically what I have to do is to record a sound coming from a guitar string, then Identify which is the tone of that sound. I have read and searched through websites…
Teddy S.
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3 answers

Audio pitch analysis

I'm very new to sound analysis in fact doing it for the first time all I need to do is to analyse an mp3 file or any other format and detect as pitch varies. simply I want to trim audio file where high notes occur. sound wave I've tried NAudio and…
Umar Iqbal
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1 answer

Android Microphone Frequency response pitch detection below 100Hz

I'm processing audio using a phone Samsung Galaxy mini and also in a tablet Nexus 7 I've using the class audiorecord, until now, I have been able to correctly analyze audio from frequencies 200 to ~20000 Hz. I'm detecting pitch through…
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How can I utilize the full spectrogram resolution when dealing with speech input in the Web Audio API?

I am developing an online visual Chinese tone helper kind-of-thing. This involves doing pitch detection with the HPS Algorithm. But this algorithm's performance is restricted by the resolution of the incoming spectrogram. I have been using the…
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4 answers

Autocorrelation returns random results with mic input (using a high pass filter)

Sorry to ask a similar question to the one i asked before (FFT Problem (Returns random results)), but i've looked up pitch detection and autocorrelation and have found some code for pitch detection using autocorrelation. Im trying to do pitch…
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1 answer

Fixing "shaky" pitch detection in Kotlin using TarsosDSP

I am writing an instrument tuner app (for now starting with Guitar). For pitch detection I'm using TarsosDSP. It does detect the pitch correctly, however it is quite shaky - for example, I'll hit the (correctly tuned) D string on my Guitar, it…
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Can aubio be used to detect rhythm-only segments?

Does aubio have a way to detect sections of a piece of audio that lack tonal elements -- rhythm only? I tested a piece of music that has 16 seconds of rhythm at the start, but all the aubiopitch and aubionotes algorithms seemed to detect tonality…
1 answer

I am trying to find the pitch using aubio, but I can't read in the audioData directly as float32

Is there a way I can cast all the values as float32 per CHUNK of data? I tried this way it doesn't give me an error but then aubio isn't able to recognize any pitch. Also I can't cast directly as float32 or it becomes too sensitive for FFT I am…
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Amplitude of audio signal harmonics in Unity3D

I have managed to calculate the pitch of audio input from microphone using the GetSpectrumData function. But now I need to get the amplitudes of the first 7 harmonics of audio (Project requirement) I have very less knowledge of Audio dsp. Only…
1 answer

Guitar pitch detection in android

I try to develop a guitar game in android platform. And I need to do the real-time pitch detection to get the frequency of guitar chord/String. I will get the input from the microphone, and then analyze the input (the input playing which kind of…
1 answer

How to fix octave errors in harmonic product spectrum?

I'm creating a voice training app and I've used FFT to transform the signal from time domain to frequency domain. Prior to applying FFT I've windowed the signal using blackman-harris window. Then I used harmonic product spectrum to extract the…
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