Questions tagged [php4]

For issues relating to development using PHP, version 4.

PHP is a widely-used, general-purpose scripting language designed specifically for web development, though it has since been extended to other applications too. PHP is the most popular language for web development, powering over 20 million websites.

Useful Third-party Code and Tools

In addition to the vast functionality provided in the PHP Core and through PEAR and PECL, there are a number of noteworthy 3rd party contributions to the PHP world, some of which are listed below.

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328 questions
4 answers

Comparison failing after PHP upgrade

This code used to work in earlier versions of PHP4 but no longer works on my website now that the hosting server has been upgraded to PHP5. Any easy way to alter this code to make it work again?
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maked / hashed url param

I have created a quiz app which emails the user the results. I want to include a link in the url that the user can click on and view a breakdown of their results I want the url to look something like…
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Declare one class variable via another

sorry for the vague title... I have a problem with a php4 class that seems hard to put to words. My class has a "possibleValues" array, that holds information on what kind of values are acceptable for certain attributes that can be changed from the…
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Captcha script for PHP 4.3.X

I have php 4 installed and I am using recaptcha for captcha, But its not so user friendly, So i am looking for any captcha script that is user friendly, easy to implement and must be compatible with php 4.3.x. OR Is there any way to customize the…
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1 answer

Getting empty mails from website

I have php 4.x installed in server, I have a script to send mails, generally 1 Out of 10 mails i receive will have no body but the subject will be there. The mail sending code is below. $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0 \n"; $headers .=…
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4 answers

How can I make the deprecated functions to work in PHP's latest version?

How can I make the deprecated functions to work in PHP's latest version? I don't want to change the alternate function of it in each and every page, it's highly impossible in the maintenance project which I have. So please let me know if there is a…
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php session and path setting

I would like to separate my source folders into two: The folders that contain the code that you type into the address bar and those that make up parts of the page (tiles) and other code (classes, etc). So at the start of every php file I…
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1 answer

how to enabled SOAP on PHP 4.3.8

Current PHP version 4.3.8 Quick question: just wondering if i can enable the soap file under php.ini. Because currently it throw me this error message: Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: soapclient in /var/www/html/xxx on line 78 I…
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PHP Weight Algorithm

I'm wondering if this is a sufficient algorithm for finding the best value with a weighted system. Is there anything I could add to make it better? in this example I would like the probability of $object->get() returning test4 to be 4 times greater…
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4 answers

Stripos issues in php4

Please i have the following function for a contact form, but it shows the following error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: stripos() in" how can i fix it function checkEmail($vEmail) { $invalidChars ="/:,;" ; …
1 answer

PHP 4 to PHP 5 - isset checks on boolean if statements

Scenario: We are in the process of converting an application from PHP 4 to PHP 5. The application needs to be able to work on PHP 4 for a little while, which means no PHP 5 specific elements can be used, yet. We are simply trying to make sure the…
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php 4 / mysql jstree example from - Anyway to port this functionality to the new version of jstree? (v1)

Having tried to use the example for php/mysql at I have realized that I needed extra functionality and as well noticed that this works only with PHP 5 due to some errors that Firebug was prompting for the output. I then…
5 answers

securely send data from one site to another?

I am going to post some data from one website to another website. I need a way for the receiving website to be sure that the data was sent from the sending website and not sent by some other malicious user. I am using PHP4. How can I do…
JD Isaacks
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2 answers

NuSOAP on XAMPP with PHP5: failed to open stream

Hey guys, I have a problem (again). This time I am trying to use NuSoap w/ XAMPP 1.7.1 which includes PHP5 and MySQL ... I wrote a soap-client:
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1 answer

CakePHP Model Associations

Here's the deal, i have 2 models: Rus and Audios. I want to use records from Audios in Rus controller, so i go and type in associations like this: and
Tonie Kimo
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