Questions tagged [php-7.2]

Use this tag for version-specific issues relating specifically to PHP 7.2.Use with the [php] tag


GA release is scheduled for 2017-11-30:

733 questions
1 answer

If statement does not seem to work

Something may be wrong with my logic or the hosting server because when I tried it locally it works flawlessly!! however, when I upload it always execute the second statement no matter what the value of applicant_email_activated is?? It is driving…
3 answers

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of Class Method must be an instance of void, none returned

Description: Game has to be initiated, then a number of rounds (playRounds (3) must be placed) and, in a play mode call, players must be withdrawn hands and the winner of the round . After the rounds have ended, there must be a winner method that…
Vladimir Kirov
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PHPBrew: cannot install or add argon2i hashing

I didn't find a way to add argon2i hashing to a running 7.2.27 version in phpbrew. Is there a way to get it done? I tried phpbrew ext install argon2i I get Downloading via curl…
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FatalErrorException Error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

I'm trying to run my symfony 3.3 project in the docker. It's working fine out of docker. All containers are running: nginx:alpine, php-fpm 7.2, PostgreSQL, rabbitMQ. I'm receiving this error: (1/1) FatalErrorException Error: Maximum execution time…
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3 answers

is it possible to configure PHP to use virtualhost

Actually, I downloaded PHP7.2.7 safe thread from PHP's website( and I don't know if it is possible I can configure PHP to setup a virtualhost like we can do using XAMPP
1 answer

Is it very bad to create real time chat app in PHP 7?

I'm creating PHP MySQL real time chat app. A friend told me It is very bad to use PHP for real time apps & that would kill server CPU. I know that PHP isn't the proper choice but i wanna get some advices to make the performance better with using PHP…
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1 answer

PHP 7.2 strange in_array behaviour

I upgraded from php 5 to 7.2, and there is no problem at local (some changes needed, but it solved). One of my function not working in production server. The code looks like this: $someBool = in_array($some, array("asd", "fgh", "etc")); If I make…
1 answer

open enquiry form when we hover to close button "X"

when we hover to close button "X", how to open enquiry form?
2 answers

each() deprecated, trouble to get rid of

I'm using a sql database backup script, in a part of the code I have : if (!isset($table_select)) { $result = $dbc->prepare("show tables"); $i=0; $table=""; $tables = $dbc->executeGetRows($result); foreach ($tables as $table_array) { list(,$table) =…
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2 answers

"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ';'" laravel 5.5 in xampp 7.2.2 / PHP 7.2.2

why am I getting this error while getting data from database in my controller? I use laravel 5.5 and php 7.2.2. public function create() { $categories = Category::all(); return view('post.create'), compact('categories'); } "Parse error:…
Sayyid Mahdy
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2 answers

How can i access Return value throught the construct() from another function In PHP?

I'm trying to access the return value of the test() inside __constructor() but I stucked it. anyone Can tell me about that how can I get the return value from __constructor(). I appreciate your answer! class some { public function…
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1 answer

Get next five saturday date of the last month

I need next 5 saturday from the last month. eg. current date is 07-04-2018 so I need 5 saturday of the last month. output- 03-03-18, 10-03-18, 17-03-18, 24-03-18, 31-03-18. I can get it by using below but this is completely hardcoded. How can i…
1 answer

What is the difference between session_id(), session_create_id() and session_regenerate_id() in php?

What is the difference between session_id(), session_create_id() and session_regenerate_id() in php ? I am already on but there is a un-explained and broad definition of these 3 functions which cannot be understand well. There are also 50%…
ZKR Devs
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