Questions tagged [phoenix]

Use this tag for questions about Apache Phoenix, an open source project in the Hadoop ecosystem which provides an SQL layer on top of HBase (a non-relational database). For questions about the Phoenix Framework - an Elixir web framework for building HTML5 apps, APIs and distributed applications - use the tag [phoenix-framework].

Apache Phoenix is a SQL skin over HBase delivered as a client-embedded JDBC driver targeting low latency queries over HBase data. Apache Phoenix takes your SQL query, compiles it into a series of HBase scans, and orchestrates the running of those scans to produce regular JDBC result sets. The table metadata is stored in an HBase table and versioned, such that snapshot queries over prior versions will automatically use the correct schema. Direct use of the HBase API, along with coprocessors and custom filters, results in performance on the order of milliseconds for small queries, or seconds for tens of millions of rows.


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845 questions
1 answer

Elixir/mix: ** (stop) :eacces on Windows

When I try to run 'iex -S mix phx.server', I get the error: iex(1)> 2020-07-26T05:13:18.632000Z error Task OrcasiteWeb.Endpoint started from #PID<0.857.0> terminating ** (stop) :eacces erlang.erl:2217: :erlang.open_port({:spawn_executable,…
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"datasource not a member of org.apache.phoenix" when trying to Save DataFrames to Phoenix using DataSourceV2

I am trying to Save DataFrames to Phoenix using DataSourceV2 following the below mentioned source: Apache Spark plugin I created a dataframe and I want to save it to phoenix in the following way: import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import…
1 answer

Apache Phoenix - vs - what is the difference?

Apache Phoenix - vs Both are executable scripts which get you to the SQL-like CLI. What is the difference between the two? Is it a significant one or...?
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Web Hosting vs cloud hosting - things to do

I am new to this, hence asking. I am trying to host an e-commerce website myself having 2 components - 1. e-commerce customer facing site made in Angular. 2. e-commerce Admin module site (with back end DB in PostgreSQL) made in Phoenix framework…
1 answer

Regarding sql generate Update

We are trying to generate upsert statement of phoenix with the logic we want to give in xml file . We are thinking of using antlr or string templates , Please let us know which one to use better . or any other approach we can use Input data is…
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