Questions tagged [period]

A period of time is an interval, a span of time.

444 questions
3 answers

Periods class implementation in java 8

If I code like this: Period wrong = Period.ofYears(1).ofWeeks(1); It gives output of P7D. By the implementation of Period class we know that all of____() methods are static. But if you to do same chaining with DateTime class: LocalDate date =…
Hasnain Ali Bohra
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4 answers

ANDROID - How to display datetime that already passed?

I want to display the time that already passed with specific time and date. Example : time1 = 2017-06-18 07:00:00 //set time curtime = 2017-06-19 07:00:01 //get the current time TextView will just display 0 Years 0 Month 1 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes…
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1 answer

When using Stripe as your payment gateway, will a user's trial period restart if they change the plan they are on?

Currently our Trial Period is being handled in the back-end of our application and not handled by Stripe. Our devs are telling us this is because the Trial period can be abused by users by changing their subscription plan just before their trial…
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Subtracting two date values and returning the different in number of days

Bearing the risk of being redundant, I would like to know how one can subtract 2 date values and store the result which should be in number of days into an integer. I am using Java for this exercise.
Abhijeet Mohanty
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2 answers

Select an integer number of periods

Suppose we have sinusoidal with frequency 100Hz and sampling frequency of 1000Hz. It means that our signal has 100 periods in a second and we are taking 1000 samples in a second. Therefore, in order to select a complete period I'll have to take…
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Calculate the distance between the sign change in sampled data

I want to recover the periods that are in an array of sampled data: signal = [45, 46, -12, -12.5, 32, 35, 34, 25, 23, -23, -65, -3, 43, 23] I want to count the size of a period. A period starts with a positive number and moves to negative numbers…
Diao ibrahima
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1 answer

Days should display instead of week while calculating the date difference in joda time

DateTimeZone timeZone = DateTimeZone.forID( "America/Montreal" ); DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern( "yyyy/MM/dd" ).withZone( timeZone ); DateTime dateTimeStart = formatter.parseDateTime("2012/01/01"); DateTime dateTimeStop =…
Pradap Pandian
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1 answer

find the longest period of without gaps

I need to create a formula that will show me the longest period that some employee has worked without interruption. expected outpud is: - Agent1: - 21 days (10 shifts at 8h hours, 5 shifts of BO (ilness); 6 shifts of VK (weekend) I need a formula…
2 answers

Detect overlapping periods php

can you help me with overlapping periods. I have array ["1-9","11-15","14-20","8-11"] Each element in array its period. Min - 1 period, max - 10 periods in array. I need to detect if they are overlapping. I find this cases from another question
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1 answer

MYSQL create record for each month between two dates

I have two dates (start_date and end_date). I am trying to create one record for each month between those two dates. As an example: start_date= 01/01/2016 end_date=23/04/2016 Output: Period 2016-01-31 2016-02-28 2016-03-31 2016-04-30 I am fairly…
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2 answers

MySQL select rows that end in full stop/period

I want to select all rows in a table that end in a full stop. When I use the following query, I get no results. SELECT * FROM table WHERE row LIKE '%.' But I know there is data in the table that ends in a full stop. I noticed something about the…
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4 answers

How to run a javascript function X seconds?

I am using setInterval to run a Javascript function that generates a new, random integer in a div. the timer starts when I click on the div. I am having problems with stopping it form generating new numbers after five seconds. Using setTimeout, I…
3 answers

In a pathname, what does *.* (asterisk, period, asterisk) mean?

Like in C:\\Python33\\Directory\\test.txt\\*.* It seems literally impossible to google this, so I'm asking here. I get "FileNotFoundError"s and "NotADirectoryError"s because of these things.
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2 answers

Result percentage by period in SQL

I want to calculate result percentage in SQL from the this data for a each period. Period Result 1 Green 1 Blue 1 Blue 1 Red 1 Blue 1 Blue 1 Blue 2 Green 2 Green 2 Green 2 …
2 answers

Delete period preceded by only one character

How can I delete a period preceded by only one character? I'm looking for a one line sed or awk code. The target line is: (the target pattern I want to delete is in **Bold stackoverflow code ***j.*** **) xxx-xxx, **j.** c., univ los xxx, res grp…
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