Questions tagged [performancecounter]

PerformanceCounters are indicators for how much work a program does.

As a starting-point for windows:

1014 questions
3 answers

Process statistics in c#

For a given process, how can I learn its cpu usage (%) memory usage (allocated memory) network usage (bytes in/sec, bytes out/sec) I'm interested in collecting this information from a c# app.
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2 answers

Azure App Insights REST API Get memory usage

I want to get host application memory usage and cpu usage by app insights REST API. Can someone tell what are the metrics IDs for these two performance counters, there is confusion in ID names.
4 answers

how to find memory (Private working set) for all running instance only of Notepad

Well, I am trying to fetch memory (Private working set) for all running instance of Notepad . for example lets say 4 Process of Notepad is running, and now I want total memory consumed by all 4 instance of Notepad. Till now I have tried for single…
Vivek Sharma
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1 answer

Any Tool that watches the system performance and takes decisions

I am wondering if there is any tool (could be licensed/freeware/opensource) that does the monitoring of system performance parameters like CPU Usage, System Memory commit, handle count, ... and if the limit goes beyond the configured limit like lets…
1 answer

I did a High Resolution Timing in C on Windows? Is it right?

#include #include TASK (Task2ms) { printf("Hello"): SetEvent(Task1); } void main() { int arg; HANDLE Task1; HANDLE HTimer1 =NULL; HANDLE HTimerQueue1 = NULL; Task1 = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE,…
1 answer

Performance Counter Keeping cpuUsage under a certain percentage C#

So I'm working on something that checks the CPU Usage under a certain percentage so that it doesn't bog down the system. I have this code: static PerformanceCounter cpuUsage; public static void Main(string[] args) { cpuUsage =…
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2 answers

Powershell Retrieve IO Operations for Each Process and List with Process Information

I'm trying to get a list of processes with heavy I/O Reads along with the associated ProductVersion. The code would look something like this: $counter = "\Process*\IO Read Operations/sec" get-counter | ? {$counter -gt 10} | gps | select…
Ken J
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2 answers

How can I get the average cpu usage between the entry point of a method and the exit?

I would like to get and log the average CPU usage between the entry point of a method and the exit of the method. How can I achieve to get the average CPU usage via c# for such a scenario?
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1 answer

How to gather CPU utilization sampling with xperf (Windows Performance Toolkit)

I want to analyze performance of long process (6-8 hours). I need information about created/finished processes (with command lines) and CPU utilization. I found, that Windows Performance Analyzer (wpa.exe/xperfview.exe) is great tool for analyzing.…
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