Questions tagged [parsoid]

Parsoid is a web service for translating back and forth between MediaWiki's wikitext syntax and an equivalent HTML/RDFa document model with enhanced support for automated processing and rich editing.

Parsoid is a web service for translating back and forth between MediaWiki's wikitext syntax and an equivalent HTML/RDFa document model with enhanced support for automated processing and rich editing. It is mainly used for VisualEditor, Wikipedia's rich editor

33 questions
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Need help setting up a parsoid server on Windows Server 2012 R2

I am currently trying to setup a parsoid server for our mediawiki site so I can install the Visual Editor extension. Currently I am trying to follow the instructions over at and…
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Parsoid doesn't start

I installed parsoid from its official repository, and configured it correctly by adding my Mediawiki API to /etc/mediawiki/parsoid/settings.js. I also removed the Interwiki options from my /usr/lib/parsoid/src/api/localsettings.jsfile, because they…
Otaku Kyon
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Wiki Parsoid error - cannot connect to Parsoid Server

I'm trying to set Parsoid extension and Visual Editor on my wiki page. It is NOT on my localhost. Those who will use the Visual Editor must log in, but the content of the wiki can be read without logging in. The address is…
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Why is the html output of local MediaWiki is not complete?

I'm using MediaWiki on my laptop Windows 10 to convert wikitext of entry tease out. The wikitext is ==English== ===Verb=== {{en-verb|*}} # To [[unravel]]; {{lb|en|figuratively|by extension}} to [[determine]]; [[solve]]. #* '''2017,''' {{w|Jennifer…
LE Anh Dung
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How to use Parsoid from Mediawiki Docker in Windows 10 to convert a local text file to html?

I've just installed mediawiki on Docker on Windows 10. It follows from here that Parsoid (the PHP version) is natively bundled in MediaWiki 1.35. It's mentioned here that Also, from here that As such, I tried docker run --name my_mediawiki -d -t…
LE Anh Dung
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How to use thenets/parsoid from Docker in Windows 10 to convert a local text file to html?

I've installed thenets/parsoid on Docker on Windows 10. I want to convert the text pomme.txt with directory path F:\zim\pomme.txt to html. I tried docker run --name myparsoid -d -t -i -v /f/zim:/zim thenets/parsoid:latest sh type /zim/pomme.txt |…
LE Anh Dung
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1 answer

mediawiki - parsoid http:401 log in required

I am trying to install visual plug in for my wiki. during installation i marked nearly all plugins and the result is all available after start. But i can not save a page via visual. Because parsoid did not started after installation. So i decided…
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How to troublehoot VisualEditor (specifically 500 error)

I am configuring VisualEditor for a mediawiki site. I've confirmed Parsoid is running on http://localhost:8000/ but I am still getting an error: Error loading data from server: apierror-visualeditor-docserver-http: HTTP 500. I'm not really sure…
1 answer

Getting error "internal_api_error_InvalidArgumentException"

I'm having a problem setting up VisualEditor in internal MediaWiki.I installed Parsoid to view at localhost:8000. I can see the edit and edit source in the wiki site, but when I try to edit I get this error…
2 answers

for npm install from folder gives git error for wikimedia packages despite dependencies already being installed (shared hosting)

Npm install on wikimedia packages (parsoid, restbase, plus service-runner and limitation) fails with a git error, despite having copied the source files in advance, and running npm install or npm install from the actual folder, which has a…
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Parsoid: Unexpected Token error and failing to initialize

mwApis: - # This is the only required parameter, # the URL of you MediaWiki API endpoint. uri: '' On my linux box, I can curl this URL and receive the api data. Regardless of using the apt-get…
Justin Q.
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VSCode: Unable to set breakpoint outside initial launch module

I have installed the node project Parsoid from its source repo. I opened the project root dir with VSCode then added a basic passthru config.yaml: worker_heartbeat_timeout: 300000 logging: level: debug services: - module: lib/index.js …
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How to debug: Parsoid "stopping" after getting wiki-metadata

In a plain media-wiki 1.30.0 (shared hosting) + parsoid 0.8 (local hosting) setup, parsoid fails to convert wikitext to html; it "stops" after having requested some metadata from the wiki. Making a request for the conversion of the main page…
1 answer

Get Error loading data from server:HTTP 200 after config parsoid and Visual Editor

Tring to setup a Visual Edtior in I use apt-get to install parsoid and set config.yaml with uri: '' I tried to access via browser and got a working page. Then I config…
1 answer

Parsoid test page fail during VisualEditor installation

I'm trying to install VisualEditor in my MediaWiki wiki but I get stuck when I test Parsoid. This is the result of the test page: error: No API URI available for prefix: enwiki; domain: undefined path: /_rt/mediawikiwiki/Parsoid Error: No API URI…
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