Questions tagged [parsehub]

parsehub is a data-extraction platform for static and dynamic data web-sites. The platform has free and paid tiers of service. Templates can be written that will select elements, extract data to CSV/JSON, and interact with elements in the page. Multi-page navigation is possible. There is an API to gain access to the platform's capabilities for user projects.

27 questions
1 answer

how select a "next page" with Parsehub

I cannot manage to create the good selector for the "next page" button in this page what is the Xpath (or CSS) command in Parsehub for selecting?
0 answers

Parsehub for retreiving data from IOS app store

I want to use Parsehub ( to retrieve data from the IOS app store but I am unable to find a link from the ios app store to retrieve the data I need. Have you any idea of how I can sort the issue? Parshub link
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3 answers

How can I merge keys with the same value into a single object?

I use the Parsehub API to scrape the data below in a json format and when I want to print information on a certain country I'm able to get only the first set of data: 'name', 'pop','area','growth','worldPer', and 'rank' but I'm unable to get…
1 answer

How do I add new elements to the correct json object from another website?

Currently I using ParseHub to scrape some basic data about a list counties, the json file for this can be seen below. I also want to scrape the current time of each country which means going to other website were such information can be found, but…
0 answers

Web Scraping with Parsehub, results encapsulated in one cell

I have scraped a website but at a certain point due to inconsistencies in div elements containing image instead of text, every row and column after that occurrence gets encapsulated in the same cell. Is there a fix for this apart from running the…
Devarshi Goswami
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1 answer

Struggling to scrape Pandora Jewellery Stores?

I was trying to scrape for all locations in Australia and their addresses using Parsehub and it wasn't throwing results as it normally would. Parse Hub screenshot: As shown in the picture, the live preview shows…
1 answer

How can i print json file that is produced from ParseHub on screen?

I use ParseHub to get data from an Ajax-based website. The data is returned in json file format. I have been struggling to print returned json file for hours, but could not be successful. Here is my php code:
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How do I access an API URL in Java (rather than python)?

How do I do this in Java? import requests params = { "api_key": "asdfg_54321", "format": "json" } r = requests.get('', params=params) print(r.text) I need to access an…
1 answer

trying to get data from parsehub api to

am trying to Scrape data by importing a json to my from the web using parsehub api ( am quite familiar with but all the examples given in the document section is either in…
1 answer

Parsehub it is not working properly for scraping data

We have configured the Parsehub Desktop Tool and also we got data in csv and json format. The Parsehub Desktop Tool was working fine earlier day but now it is not working properly for scraping data, when we generate (csv and json) format its throw…
Balbant Singh
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0 answers

parsehub...What it's scraping different no. of pages each time I run it

What it's scraping different no. of pages each time I run it. enter image description here
1 answer