Questions tagged [parallel-extensions]

Parallel Extensions is a managed concurrency library included in the .NET 4.0 release.

Parallel Extensions is a managed concurrency library included in the .NET 4.0 release. It is composed of two parts: Parallel LINQ (PLINQ) and Task Parallel Library (TPL).

127 questions
1 answer

Excel in parallel

I have a program that inserts data in excel and creates graphs. All the "number operations" are done in the program (with linq), so excel is only used for creating graphs. The final excel has around 300 worksheets (50 sheet with data and 250…
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2 answers

Load a List More Efficiently

i have been tasked with updating some legacy code and really need to decrease the run time on part of it. The below list is loaded quite often. I have managed to reduce the time from about a minute to around fifteen seconds, but it really needs to…
Opus Krokus
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1 answer

How to achieve equivalent using TPL/TAP?

Below I have a fairly simple .NET console app consuming an Azure Service Bus Queue. As you'll see, I am using Task.Factory to fire up 25 receiver tasks that then call my APM-style BeginMessageReceive method. Then, at the end of EndMessageReceive, I…
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2 answers

Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed

I have several portions of code in different classes that use this or very similar code to pull back some data from an SQL Server database. Most of them work, but I'm running into a problem on a few and really don't understand why. The code above…
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1 answer

PLINQ query, need to know how many iterations performed

what I'm basically doing is iterating in parallel over a sequence of letter combinations, when I get the combo I want it's considered a win. I want to get all the wins from this query (which it's doing correctly), but the trick has been how to keep…
Mark W
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1 answer

How to return another value from method in "third party" lib?

Task[] tableOfWebClientTasks = new Task[taskCount]; for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) { tableOfWebClientTasks[i] = new WebClient().DownloadStringTask(allUrls[count - i -…
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2 answers

System.Threading.Task library in .net specifically Parallel.ForEach

I looked at microsoft's tutorial on Tasks on MSDN... It was good for what it showed, but I still have questions In there example... found at this URL: MSDN Link They show an example where they show a Parallel.ForEach() static method call. In that…
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