Questions tagged [p-np]

Used for questions about the P versus NP problem.

The P versus NP problem is a major unsolved problem in computer science. Informally, it asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer can also be quickly solved by a computer. (from wikipedia)

32 questions
1 answer

3SAT solving though DNF simplification?

I have thought of an algorithm to solve 3SAT problem via the below approach : 1) Take all the clauses in the cnf equation who have at least one variable in common. Find all such combinations and put these into a list named “Intersection”. The list…
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Opencv : Solve PNP error, EPNP and P3P failed

I'm trying to compare precision and time consuming between every SolvePnP possibility : CV_ITERATIVE, CV_EPNP, and CV_P3P I also compared my result with Matlab EPNP. And it's look like EPNP and P3P failed : std::vector
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Create calendar modern view using PNP

I have a list in SharePoint with 3 fields: eventdate of type datetime enddate of type datetime title I'm trying to programmatically create the calendar view with the following code: View newView = list.Views.Add(new…
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programmatically create carousel webpart using pnp

I'm trying to programmatically create a carousel webpart in a modern SharePoint page. I didn"t find any documentation or sample for this webpart. The main problem I have is that I didn't find how to set the urls the images. I tried to manually add a…
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Classification and complexity of generating all possible combinations: P, NP, NP-Complete or NP-Hard

The algorithm needs to generate all possible combinations from a given list (empty set excluded). list => [1, 2, 3] combinations => [{1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3}] This algorithm would take O(2n) time…
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How to know if a problem belongs to NP Class?

What I know (NOT strictly speaking): I know that there is an open question about the equality of P and NP Classes and as long as there is no known algorithm that solves NP problems in P time then we make a distinction about the space-time…
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How do I get all child terms of a termset in Sharepoint?

How do I get a flattened version of child terms, or just the last level/tier of terms. Ex: TermSet --> Term --> ChildTerm How do I grab the child term in an SPFX webpart? I can grab the Terms under the termset,…
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How can I grab the data from a Choice Site Column in Sharepoint using Typescript?

I am new to Sharepoint, and I am stuck on an issue. I am using PnP/PnPjs, and I am trying to get the choice fields from one of the site Columns. I have tried using SPWeb, etc, but there are issues with this in typescript. Is there a way I can import…
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Cook's theorem and NP complete reductions

Based on Cook's theorem, Any NP problem can be converted to SAT in polynomial time I know that SAT is a NP-complete problem. Therefore, is it accurate to say: If we can reduce a search problem A (which is in NP) to problem B in a polynomial…
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P equals NP description is easy

In the official link of the P=NP problem at the below page: P=NP Problem Official Description , there is mentioned a problem of organizing housing accommodations for a group of four hundred university students and where the hostel capacity is 100…
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How to pick only 4 set of integers from a set in polynomial time algorithm

The whole thing about this polynomial time is confusing to me for example: I want to write a program in a polynomial time algorithm that will just pick only 4 integers that sum to 0 from a set. For instance: Let assume I have the following set of…
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Definition of NP Complete

I'm trying to understand the formal definition of NP Complete and had some questions. I was wondering if someone can provide more insight. The Jon Kleinberg algorithms book says that if every NP problem can be reduced to a problem X, then problem X…
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I have found on the Internet polynomial time algorithm for graph coloring, possibly proving P=NP

I was searching for graph coloring algorithms, and I have found algorithm, which, how author states, runs in polynomial time. Author gives also C++ program source code and demonstration program. The suspicious thing is that decision problem whether…
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3SAT solved in polynomial time?

I have seen few errors in the cnf files for both satisfiable and unsatisfiable clauses files SATLIB Benchmark Problems To be more specific I have found out that the 1st file of the zip folder here: 20 variables, 91 clauses - 1000 instances, all…
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What are the examples of NP problems that is reducible to a NP-complete but not the other way round?

What are the examples of NP problems that is reducible to NP-complete problem but not the other way round? When I read about NP and NP-complete, I thought the mapping will be one-one such that it is stupid to categorize them. However, surely there…
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