Questions tagged [otp]

OTP is a set of useful middle-ware, libraries and tools written in Erlang. It is an integral part of the open source distribution of Erlang. (For the one-time passwords, use [tag:one-time-password])

OTP is a set of useful middle-ware, libraries and tools written in Erlang. It is an integral part of the open source distribution of Erlang.
Erlang was originally developed in the Computer Science Laboratory at the Swedish Telecom company Ericsson. OTP stands for Open Telecom Platform which was a brand attempt before Ericsson released Erlang/OTP as open source. However neither Erlang nor OTP is specific to telecom applications.

It contains:

  • Erlang interpreter
  • Erlang compiler
  • A protocol for communication between servers (nodes)
  • Corba Object Request Broker
  • A static analysis tool called Dialyzer
  • A distributed database server (Mnesia)
  • Lots of libraries

Erlang/OTP has been used to build systems with 99.9999999% reliability (that’s nine nines).

Getting started

  1. Download the Erlang/OTP release for your platform.
  2. Check out Stack Overflow questions tagged and .
  3. Ask questions!


Other places for discussing Erlang/OTP, beyond the question & answer format of Stack Overflow:

686 questions
1 answer

Erlang distributed - some nodes share 1 app

first of all, I'm sorry about my English, I hope you understand my question. My project is a distributed game in Erlang, its means that some computers (one node per computer) have to get access to an app. For example, 4 users from 4 computers play…
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Need to Skip Repetitive logs in Elixir

I have a particular log statement in my Elixir code which is supposed to be called very frequently, but I dont want to print that log statement every time. May be I want to print that once in every 5 times. Please help if there is a way to do this.…
2 answers

Which version of elixir-otp-erlang can we use with dialyzer?

Background The newest version of Elixir (1.7.X) has a bug that prevents the usage of dialyzer 16. Now, I am aware that some previous versions were free from this problem, but I don’t know which ones. What I tried I have tested the following…
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1 answer

Use unicode characters correctly

I am attempting to save a binary with characters of any type for example: $ LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 erl Erlang/OTP 20 [erts-9.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace] Eshell V9.2 (abort with…
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Erlang 17 HTTP SOAP service

I am new in Erlang and I want to make http soap service. I have linux-base distributive with 17 OTP version: (Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V6.0) I need recommends, what framework…
2 answers

installed erlang R16B03 and erlc command not working

I installed erlang from using wget I can see that erlang is successfully installed. However, I am unable to use the erlc command for eg, ercl file.erl {"init terminating in…
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3 answers

Erlang/OTP How to notify parent process that child processes are idle and no messages in their mailbox

I would like to design a process hierarchy where there is a a parent process P which acts like a gatekeeper and delegates the work(messages/events from its client processes) to it's children processes C1,C2..Cn which collaborate with each other and…
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Mochiweb: Include and compile other libraries

My app uses Mochiweb. I have noticed that Mochiweb files reside in the myapp/deps/mochiweb directory and rebar compiles them when I run make in the myapp directory. I wanted to add ibrowse to write a few tests which make http requests to my app. So…
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1 answer

elixir mix app cannot understand clearly

i try to work with elixir. it's bit hard to understand about application.ex defmodule PluralsightTweet.Application do # See # for more information on OTP Applications @moduledoc…
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1 answer

Generating a random string from user phone number

I am building one application,in which I want to send unique code or referral code to each user.So I want to generate random strings from user mobile number.Each and every random string should be unique for each mobile number.How should I do that…
Udit Kumawat
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1 answer

erlang otp download

what is the different download from and
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