Questions tagged [optimistic-concurrency]

A concurrency control method applied to transactional systems that allows multiple transactions to frequently complete for resources without interfering with each other

A concurrency control method applied to transactional systems such as relational database management systems and software transactional memory. OCC assumes that multiple transactions can frequently complete without interfering with each other. While running, transactions use data resources without acquiring locks on those resources. Before committing, each transaction verifies that no other transaction has modified the data it has read.

Optimistic concurrency is generally used in environments with a low contention for data. Optimistic concurrency improves performance because no locking of records is required, and locking of records requires additional server resources. Also, in order to maintain record locks, a persistent connection to the database server is required.

209 questions
1 answer

What is the Concurrency Control technique used in Meteor

I am pretty new to Meteor, But I found it interesting. I am just wondering what is the underlying technique or algorithm that Meteor uses to do concurrency control in Real-time and how it works with conflicts? is it based on Operational…
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OptimisticLock Trying update the same object again

I'm getting the below exception: org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect): [ It happens when I try to update an object using a Form again. So in the first…
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Concurrency in event booking

I'm implementing a events booking site. From the shop point of view, the seat must reduce from database only when the seat was actually booked to the customer. My question is about concurrency. For example, suppose there is a event whose available…
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Overwrite value of the Database, independent of the

Context: Ebean, play-Framework, Model, Optemistic Locking Is it possible to set an annotation to a value of a model, which tells ebean that it shouldn't throw a "optemistic locking exception" for this value, because it is independent of the previous…
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Entity Framework Optimistic Concurrency with Update stored procedure (Julie Lerman example)

I'm having some difficulties understanding the Concurrency problem using Update store procedures. I'm following Julie Lerman's Programming Entity Framework and she gives the following code in an example: using (var context = new BAEntities()) …
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Unexpected Optimistic concurrency exception

I try to update a field of my object, and save it right away to the database. using (var ctx = new DataModel(_connectionString)) { var MyObject it = ctx.MyObjects.Where(someConstraint).ToList()[0]; try { //update check time …
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Lightswitch 2011 Concurrency Control

I 've got two question. Does Lightswitch 2011 support also pessimistic concurency control? If so, how? Does optimistic control support ROWVERSION column on table from external data source or use only state of row (using original values)? Thank you…
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Entity Framework 5 concurrency update from DTOs

We're using Framework 4.5 and EF 5.0 which shipped with VS 2012. We have an entity that contains a column named RowVersion which I planned to use for concurrency checks. It'a a "Timestamp" value in the MySQL table which updates itself when…
3 answers

Having trouble doing an Update with a Linq to Sql object

i've got a simple linq to sql object. I grab it from the database and change a field then save. No rows have been updated. :( When I check the full Sql code that is sent over the wire, I notice that it does an update to the row, not via the primary…
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3 answers

Optimistic Concurrency while Updating Records in EF 4

I received this exception while debugging in VS 2012 An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key. //_dbSet declaration: private readonly…
0 answers

LINQ ChangeConflictException Issue / Custom Property

I have a database table with project tasks. Each task is based on a task template, which is stored in the same table. Tasks inherit properties/fields from their associated task template record unless otherwise specified. I've created a…
Mark Williams
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Which audio APIs can support speculative evaluation and correction?

Speculative evaluation (aka speculative execution) is an effective approach to achieving low-latency code at the cost of occasional rework (inefficiency). Speculative evaluation is a common low-level technique for modern computer architectures, but…
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Concurrency exception with Devexpress ASPXGridView and EntityFramework 4.3.1

My Issue I have a simple WebForms project for testing concurrency. I am using: 1. Entity Framework 4.3.1 code first approach. 2. DevExpress controls to visualize my data. Specifically an ASPXGridView control. 3. MySQL as database…
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Knockout mapping options; map a JSON property to two view model properties

In order to do optimistic concurrency checking when posting/saving back the (possibly) modified view model to the server, I would like to take a copy of the original value in a separate variable than the observable one I bind to with knockout…
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