Questions tagged [opencsv]

opencsv is a simple csv (comma-separated values) parser library for Java

What is opencsv ?

opencsv is a simple csv (comma-separated values) parser library for Java. It was developed in response to a lack of csv parsers with commercial-friendly licenses.

Where can I get it?

Source and binaries are available from Sourceforge. You can check out the javadocs online.

What features does opencsv support?

opencsv supports all the basic csv-type things you're likely to want to do:

  • Arbitrary numbers of values per line
  • Ignoring commas in quoted elements
  • Handling quoted entries with embedded carriage returns (ie entries that span multiple lines)
  • Configurable separator and quote characters (or use sensible defaults)
  • Read all the entries at once, or use an Iterator style model
  • Creating csv files from String[] (ie. automatic escaping of embedded quote chars)
840 questions
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parsing CSV file in java when delimiter is a part of data

I am writing a CSV parts.Its easy to write it using java String s = null while( (s= bufferedReadr.readLine() !=null){ String parts[] = s.split(','); //process parts } The problem is data is in format "a", "b","c","d","e","f". But some of the…
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jar file not able to load csv file on a different machine

I m new to java and using Netbeans IDE for my project. I need to read and display csv files so i used opencsv library for that. it is working fine on my computer but the jar file is not able to load any csv file on a different machine. what could be…
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how to count total rows in csv using java

I have a csv file. I want to write a function in Java which will tell me how many rows are there in csv. Could someone please help me in achieving this. csv has following format: "Time","Actual","Time","Expected","Time","Status" "2012-09-01…
Deepak Shah
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Handling a tab seperated file (csv) with open csv?

I've tried to create my reader like this: CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("ping10102012.csv"), '\t'); int i=0; while ( (nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null){ System.out.println(nextLine[i]); // Debug only } And I'm having…
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Java programs cannot run after downloading opencsv

I downloaded the opencsv (from and since then I have been getting this error with all my Java programs java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HelloWorld Caused by:…
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How can OpenCSV be used to parse multiline records?

I am trying to parse a file similar to this using OpenCSV - CUST,Warren,Q,Darrow,8272 4th Street,New York,IL,76091 TRANS,1165965,2011-01-22 00:13:29,51.43 CUST,Erica,I,Jobs,8875 Farnam Street,Aurora,IL,36314 TRANS,8116369,2011-01-21…
Gourav Dey
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java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=1; index=1 when trying to read csv

I have problem when trying to read the csv file, the error appears like this : java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=1; index=1 . I have tried searching in StackOverflow, the error appears same as above. Code : private void…
Mr. Robot
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How to read multiple line value CSV files in Java?

Since a valid JSON file may contain only one JSON I intend to put multiple JSONs into a CSV file separated by a ";" and to read it using OpenCSV. (It's for putting those JSON data in file apart from the JUnit class to make it better readable.) Is…
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Read CSV file into java Object

I'm trying to read the CSV file content into a java object. I found online resources that explains the two ways to read CSV ie., BufferReader/OpenCSV. But most of them are about reading row wise(I mean all the row data as one), the problem with my…
Raj K
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CSV File does not exist , Python, Pandas Dataframe

I've downloaded a csv, let's call it april.csv Then I got an error message, april.csv does not exist. I tried to open it like this: df = pd.read_csv("C:\Users\Lenovo\Downloads\\pydata_pandas-master\data\april.csv") I also…
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Using openCSV in Java on IntelliJ IDEA

I am so frustrated right now. I was trying to follow this tutorial to use openCSV in java to read some file. After I set up every thing. I got these error. And, then I did some…
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CSV reader fails to return Strings

I have a CSV file that has following form. I read the CSV using CSV reader. It outputs the objects in following form instead of the string. Output [Ljava.lang.String;@138617da ** This is my code. What is wrong with code? public void…
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3 answers

how to write java csv parser using opencsv

I have to parse csv file . number of columns would be variable. I have written following code for fixed columns. I have used csvtobean and MappingStrategy apis for parsing. Please help me how can I create mappings dynamically. public class…
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Extract row based on a particular column value using opencsv

I have a huge CSV file which I have read each row and compared against a database table using hash of each row, now I would want to extract certain rows depending on id value from the csv file again. I cannot save the rows initially as I have around…
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Make parser for CSV file to get tons of data

I got some work to extract data from a big CSV file. It has a lot data related to articles and publishers. So I want to make a parser for it in Java to make a data warehouse and show this data in OLAP. Can anyone tell that how can I get started with…
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