Questions tagged [opencart-3]

Use this tag for programming-related questions specific to version 3.x of OpenCart, the open source shopping cart system written in PHP. Questions should also be tagged [opencart].

OpenCart 3.x, started by version 3.0.0 release on June 19th, 2017.

The most notable change in 3.0.0 is the new template system requirement. Template files will no longer use the old tpl format now it's using the twig.

Three major changes in the platform:

  • Extension Marketplace Integrated in the Admin
  • Theme Editor
  • Language Editor

Additional new features that are introduced:

  • Multilingual SEO URLs

  • Improved Admin Data Filters

  • Improved & Flexible Reports

  • Statistics

  • Removed FTP Tab

509 questions
2 answers

Display username in top header and my account dropdown after user is logged in at opencart 3.0 template

I am working out catalog/theme/customtemplate/template/header/header1.twig also at catalog/controller/acount/account.php but i 'm unable to get the output. So what i have to add and at which files?
0 answers

Hi, In the mobile version of my opencart can i replace the big search box by just an icon like the desktop version, my website is

Also while opening my website in different computer it is showing mobile version, how can I avoid it I want it to use mobile version only in mobile [Opencart mobile view1 Opencart desktop view Desktop version of search
2 answers

Google sitemap error ParseEntityRef: no name on opencart 3

It's my first time using opencart and Google sitemap Here is my error Sitemap URL Character Set Sitemap is valid No Warnings - Errors [68] xmlParseEntityRef: no name on…
1 answer

Opencart payment extension install

I am installed bank transfer extension in opencart 3x. but catalog side error does not show payment method. Error will be also here undefined index error
1 answer

Display Weight under Price in Product Page & Search page

i need to display Product Weight under Product price in the single product page & search page on OpenCart . How i can do that ?
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my question is about how can i add my new css_style file to the theme in opencart?

For example, on my home page I'd like to have a different stylesheet to the default one, or one that will over ride the default styles with my custom sheet. I tried so many solutions but there is no result can anyone put me into the right direction.
1 answer

Does anyone know how to get parameter from url in .twig formate

Does anyone know how to get parameter from url like this: i want to get param: a, b in .twig files opencart 3.x
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Why do I get a 500 (Internal Server Error) when trying to get Modules list in Extensions?

After developing my website in my local server, I upload it to the web host. When I try to display Modules list in Extensions I get this error (form the web host logs): GET …
1 answer

Display product attributes on category page - Opencart 3

I have created an attribute called 'Flavour' in opencart 3 and want to display this attribute in the category layout (category.twig) on each product where the title, price, add to cart etc. is. Thanks
1 answer

How to add banner in Opencart 3

How to add banner in Opencart 3 between featured in the screenshot
1 answer

Opencart 3.x category id in product page

I'm using opencart I'm trying to get category id in the product page. Any suggestions ?
Adrian p
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How to dynamically add some script code to the static header or footer of all pages in the frontend of opencart3

while creating a new module the challenge is, I have some script code i need to dynamically put it to all the pages in the frontend of opencart? how can we do this? Could you please help me to solve this? Thank you!
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Opencart 3.0 does not save data custom module

I have a shipping module for Opencart And I dont understand why module data does not save. For example, login field in admin/controller/extension/shipping/onedelivery.php: if (isset($this->request->post['shipping_onedelivery_login'])) { …
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How to change templates on Opencart 3. Turning of the Cache doesn't work

I started to develop on Opencart recently. Now i'm facing the one big problem. I just can't edit any twig templates. I tried to do it via ftp, tried to do it in admin panel. Tried to refresh modificators and even deleted them. Turned off the cache.…
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