Questions tagged [one-time-password]

One time passwords are designed as single use passwords which expire after use. They are often more secure than single factor authentication methods such as username-password (something the user knows) due to their single use which makes replay attacks impossible

507 questions
1 answer

Is any kind of Device ID sent to website/service that uses 2FA?

I am in the middle of securing all my accounts with new passwords + 2FA where it's possible, and a question came up in my head: If I set up 2FA authentication on a website (with an app like Google Authenticator) then will this website receive any…
1 answer

Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in C:\xampp\htdocs\otp\textlocal.class.php on line 102

I am developing a new project for Event Management. For that, I need to implement OTP verification for mobile numbers for those who are registering for the event. I'm using textlocal API to send OTP and I'm getting the error as above.
1 answer

Forget password mobile otp authentication android firebase

User can sign up with mobile no in firebase. Once he logged out and forget his password how user can get reset his account
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How can I check whether a user details are already there in the firebase when a user sign in using the otp method in flutter?

OTP is the only mode of signing in. If the user is registered then he must go to the landing page if not should go the registration page and need to write that information to firebase?
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Firebase OTP only works in some devices - Swift 4

I am using firebase authentication in my device. I have followed every steps in firebase documentation. The OTP works in the devices that I used for testing purpose. But when I download the app from AppStore, It does not work. Please help me to get…
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One time pad encryption

I know it is old topic but I played a bit my small OTP library and I would like to ask you an advice. Everything is perfect but, I am sure that no administrator want's to see something like "php_value memory_limit 500000M" :D. I am not going to…
5 answers

Cannot get OTP when use Sms Retriever

I'm trying to use Google's SMS Retriever API for Automatic SMS Verification. I have followed the directions here but my app is not receiving any SMS messages. I've tried many ways but it's still not working and I really don't understand why. Here…
Hoàng Vũ Anh
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2 answers

facing issues for genarating 11 hash key string which is provide on official documentation on SMS Retriever API

my apk is working fine in debug mode. but when I signed apk with release mode then automatic sms retrivr is not working. then I search I found I have to generate a hash key on official documentation…
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OTP integration at registration form

I am having trouble integrating the "send OTP" function in my registration form. I was given an API from an SMS provider, but I do not know how to integrate it into my form. I need the user data to be recorded in my database after the verify the…
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Wordpress one time access to password protected page

I am creating a wordpress page which is password protected. It holds a form which needs to be submitted after a timed period of 3h. After that period the user should be logged out, no matter wether he completed the form or not. He should not be able…
1 answer

How to implement one time password for download

I need some advice in php, How can I make that users will be able to download file just one time with password which they get from me. First, I will need some connected database with list of unique passwords. Then using php I must detect, if…
2 answers

How do I generate a list of one-time passwords?

I am currently working on a website for which I would need to create a password-protected section. The passwords should be single-use only, turning unusable after being entered successfully. OTP seems to be the way to go, but I can't find guides on…
A. McMount
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1 answer

Error in OTP verification code android

I am Creating an application which perform an OTP verification method.. I implemented the code as described in this link But when i click the NEXT button in…
Karthik CP
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2 answers

How to use SMS verification code by sending otp?

package com.surbhi.smsappacme; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import; import…
Surbhi Sharma
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1 answer

Android App: How to autofill the edit text field with received OTP?

I have used Broadcast receiver to read OTP from received sms and i have extracted it. I have also displayed the OTP using Toast. But i don't want user to memorize and enter the OTP, I want to populate the text field with that OTP. How can i do that?
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