Questions tagged [one-hot-encoding]

One-Hot Encoding is a method to encode categorical variables to numerical data that Machine Learning algorithms can deal with.

Also known as Dummy Encoding, One-Hot Encoding is a method to encode categorical variables, where no such ordinal relationship exists, to numerical data that Machine Learning algorithms can deal with. One hot encoding is the most widespread approach, and it works very well unless your categorical variable takes on a large number of unique values. One hot encoding creates new, binary columns, indicating the presence of each possible value from the original data. These columns store ones and zeros for each row, indicating the categorical value of that row.

951 questions
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Encoding method of Logistic Regression in Scikit-learn

I am trying to use Logistic Regression to do some predicting task with Scikit-learn tool. Hers are two example features of my task: Feature 1(man, woman, unknow) ---categorical variable Feature 2(number of clicking) ---continuous variable I am…
Nils Cao
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How to use prediction model after onehot encoding?

I have created a prediction model for this dataset >>df.head() Service Tasks Difficulty Hours 0 ABC 24 1 0.833333 1 CDE 77 1 1.750000 2 SDE 90 3 3.166667 3 QWE …
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how to convert object Dtype to int64?

I've the below data. When I checked the DType of these fields it is showing as object, now my requirement is I would like to convert them into int64 # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 area_type…
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why I get in Z1 2 columns instead of 3 and how to fix it using hotEncoder

I'm using hotEncoder for a column with 5 values witch gave me 5 columns (for Z). That's OK now I have another column with has 3 values but I got 2 columns instead of 3 in Z1 what I need to do in the code to fix that I'll get 3 columns in Z1? also,…
1 answer

What is wrong here with OneHotEncoding()?

Please Open the Image for the problem All the problem is with Embarked Attribute. Whenever in onehotencoding() I remove column no 11, the fit_transform() works fine. But when I add the 11th column again, i get the Value error saying input contains…
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OneHotEncoding 2500 different categorical variables

I am working on a flight recommendation project where airport codes of each source will be given along with some data. with that i have to predict the destination to which airplane can reach. I have to deal with 6+ million rows. so I am facing a…
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Apply one hot encoding on a dataframe in python

I'm working on a dataset in which I have various string column with different values and want to apply the one hot encoding. Here's the sample dataset: v_4 v5 s_5 vt_5 ex_5 pfv pfv_cat 0-50 …
Abdul Rehman
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Creating one hot encoded columns while preserving other features

I've got the following data: dataset <- structure(list(id = structure(c(2L, 3L, 1L, 3L, 1L, 9L), .Label = c("215101", "215559", "216566", "217284", "219435", "220209", "220249", "220250", "225678", "225679", "225687", "225869", "228420", "228435",…
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2 answers

One-hot encoding in R- creating dataframe column names from variables in a loop

I am using a dataframe called "rawData" which has a column called "Season" with values ranging from 1 to 4. I am trying to use a loop to perform one-hot-encoding, i.e create 4 new columns called "Season 1" , "Season 2", "Season 3", "Season 4", where…
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2 answers

want to group categorical values in a column

I am trying to group & assign a numeric value to a column 'neighborhood' having values like: #Queens#Jackson Heights#, #Manhattan#Upper East Side#Sutton Place#, #Brooklyn#Williamsburg#,#Bronx#East Bronx#Throgs Neck#. (Values have 2,3 sometimes 4,5…
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1 answer

applying onehotencoder on numpy array

I am applying OneHotEncoder on numpy array. Here's the code print X.shape, test_data.shape #gives 4100, 15) (410, 15) onehotencoder_1 = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features = [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12]) X =…
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K-means clustering on data set with mixed data using Scikit-learn

I am experimenting with machine learning algorithms and have a pretty large data set containing both numerical and categorical data. I followed this post here: to encode categorical features…
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Value Error : One Hot Encoder

I have Label Encoded my info.venue column as follows, but when i try to do the One Hot Encoding it gives error. as ValueError: Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead. df['info.venue']=labelencoder.fit_transform(df['info.venue']) from…
Mayur Mahajan
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How to one hot encode factor variable that has more than 3 levels?

I want to represent factor variables as 0 and 1 value through one hot encoding in r as data.frame. Among the factor variables, I would like to perform one hot encode only for variables with three or more levels. This is my R…
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How to revert One-Hot Enoding in Spark (Scala)

After running k-means (mllib spark scala) I want to make sense of the cluster centers I obtained from data which I pre-processed using (among other transformers) mllib's OneHotEncoder. A center looks like this: Cluster Center 0 …
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