Questions tagged [ojdbc]

OJDBC is the Oracle JDBC driver.

OJDBC is the JDBC driver provided by Oracle, see Oracle JDBC page

585 questions
1 answer

Unable to find dms.jar online to download

While writing a program to connect to Oracle 10g, I got an error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/dms/instrument/ExecutionContextForJDBC I understand that particular JAR file is missing. I have added…
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Can't add OracleDriver to Subclipse build path

I need to make some modifications to the Subclipse Eclipse svn plugin. To do so, I need to connect to a specific Oracle database, but my code keeps dying on this line: Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"); With (surprise)…
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Could not find class

Hello I try to get data from my oracle database, I use ojdbc14.jar. There is no error in the code but I got this error in the run time 05-17 10:41:06.846: E/dalvikvm(456): Could not find class '', referenced from…
Raditya Kurnianto
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sealing conflic with oracle ojdbc

After many search, i still got the following issue : sealing violation: package oracle.jdbc is sealed In my classpath there is one, and only one ojdbc.jar I tried ojdbc14, ojdbc16, ojdbc5 and ojdbc6. I use maven+nexus. I don't know where the…
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oracle jdbc driver not working as i wanted

I'm a bit confused with oracle jdbc. i use ojdbc16 by following those step i get : 1) adding ojdbc.jar to my build path -> everything work in local ( connexion, request etc..) 2) trying to test my webApp with jetty sealing violation: package…
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jdbc update with dao pattern not working

i have a jsf page that update employee table with this code.... i can get the data,but i can't update it with primefaces.and when i debug it,it doesn't do anything. i need help to update the data. thanks this is my page controller @ManagedBean(name…
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(JDK 1.6 and ojdbc6.jar) vs (JDK 1.5 and ojdbc14.jar)

I am facing a strange kind of scenario. I have the following table, with two columns. Customer: Customer_ID nvarchar2 Subscription_Date Date I am trying to get the column type of Subscription_Date using Meta Data as shown below: ResultSet rs =…
Gokul Nath KP
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when i install ojdbc6.jar,i got this error,i don't know how to resolve it

I want to install oracle plugin--ojdbc6.jar. when i run these command: cd D:\sakai3\nakamura\contrib\oracle-jdbc-6 mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar…
liu jing
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i want to build the developing environment of sakai oae on windows 7,but i don't know how to do it?

my OS is the cmd, i run: cd sakai3/3akai-ux mvn clean install i got: [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS then i run: cd sakai3/nakamura set MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx256m -XX:PermSize=256m" mvn clean install i got this error: [ERROR] Failed to…
liu jing
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my OS is windows7,i want to build the developing environment of sakai oae

my OS is windows7,i want to Deployment the environment of sakai oae When I run mvn deploy:deploy-file -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=org.sakaiproject.nakamura.ojdbc.jar -Durl=url…
liu jing
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2 answers

Jboss 7 - Oracle Datasource not working

I'm working on a Web App with just one WAR project. It uses JPA and has a DataSource that I need to configure to run on JBOSS 7. The database is Oracle. I'm getting this error: JBAS014775: New missing/unsatisfied dependencies: service…
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Exhausetd ResultSet Error when fetching from a perticular column

In my project, I am creating a Cancel Account facility to delete the account from user table. The user table name is newuser. The cancelaccount jsp looks like: <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;…
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2 answers

ORA-17132 Invalid conversion requested during inserting an entity

I have a problem with application made with Java 8, Spring 5, Hibernate 5.4.8 and Oracle 18c database. Speaking about fundamental database config, I'm using the oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver driver class and org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle12cDialect dialect…
1 answer

java ojdbc DELETE PreparedStatement won't work

i'm building a java program that basically manage a oracle xe 11.2g database using ojdbc6 driver. I wrote succesfully the methods to search and insert rows but the method that use delete statement do nothing at all. private void…
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Calling oracle stored procedure with input parameter using SqlInOutParameter gives assert exception with ojdbc8

I have a stored procedure with one in and one out parameter. The input parameter is defined by SqlInOutParameter and output by SqlOutParameter. Everything works fine with ojdbc6 but with ojbc8 it gives assert exception in tests. Since I don't have…
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