Questions tagged [objectstatemanager]

30 questions
1 answer

EF4 ObjectStateManager not reporting changes?

I'm trying to implement a change auditing system at the context level using EF4 (database first). I'm overriding SaveChanges and capturing entities that have a state of Added, Deleted, or Modified from the context's ObjectStateManager. This normally…
1 answer

ObjectStateManager and Detached entity state

I'm using Entity Framework and some parts of its functionality are still unclear for me. The main things that are hard to understand are: SubmitChanges process; Order of invoking update-delete-insert methods; Understanding of…
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MVC3: Repository Updates and ObjectStateManager

I have an Update method in my repository which I'm using to update articles on my project. I was initially using this method only to carry out admin edits for articles. It handles that correctly, but I decided I'd like to add a simple mechanism to…
John H
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Entity Framework Code First DBContext ObjectStateManager Error

I am getting an Error "An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key." public class TestObject { public string Name {get;set;} } public…
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Error An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. with ViewModel

i know there are quite a few questions to this error, but i couldnt solve my problem with them. So i get the error: InvalidOperationException An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot…
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How can I get an object's values before the object is edited in a database?

I am coding a Web API 2 webservice, and would like some help in getting an object's values before an object is edited in a DbSet. I have done some research and I believe that I need to use the ObjectStateEntry object. However, I am not sure on how…
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object with same key already exists objectstatemanager

I am having an entity which holds the virtual collection of another entity. When i try to insert the data by filling the virtual collection for the newly inserted objects it is throwing the error that object with same key already exists. I know that…
Sachin Trivedi
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enforcing ObjectStateManager entry deletion on page leave

I have a edited RESTful wizard based upon Shoulders of Giants | A RESTful Wizard Using ASP.Net MVC… Perhaps? . This wizard has a CANCEL button which, when pressed, fires the code below. // If the user cancels, drop out altogether if…
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3 answers

How to clear ObjectStateManager

I would like to clear the ObjectStateManager, so that after calling SaveChanges(); on the DbContext the following line returns no result: dbContext.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Unchanged); The behaviour seems…
Rand Random
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ObjectStateManager couldn't recognize the object entry

I have the following code.. else if (p.EntityKey != null) { db.ApplyPropertyChanges(p.EntityKey.EntitySetName, new TableName_Entity() { …
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An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager error in controller

I have the following ActionResults in my controller (truncated for simplicity). When I post, I am getting the error: An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. I think this is because I am loading an entity in the GET…
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When querying with 'Include', does the EF checks if objects already exist in object state manager?

Should I avoid using Include in queries, or I can rely on the EDM that when it creates the query it excludes from the query items that already exist in the OSM?
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.ApplyCurrentValues throws exception stating entity key not matching

This is the exception I get: "An object with a key that matches the key of the supplied object could not be found in the ObjectStateManager. Verify that the key values of the supplied object match the key values of the object to which changes must…
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Object with same key already exists in objectstatemanager

Lots of questions about this error, and yet I cant figure out my problem (maybe i need some more of the theory around this). I'm gettin the "Object with same key already exists in objectstatemanager" error and what im trying to do is so simple, I…
Marcelo Myara
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1 answer

optimistic concurrency exception was handled by the user code

I'm using MVC4 with Entity Framework 4.1. Initially we have created an entity model from database. In the .edmx file, some of the tables that are in the database are not visible as they dont posses the primary key on particular table. As our…