Questions tagged [objectinputstream]

The Java `ObjectInputStream` deserialization class from the Java standard library.

ObjectInputStream is a class from the Java standard library that can be used to read and deserialize objects previously serialized by an ObjectOutputStream instance.

589 questions
1 answer

How to initialise ObjectInputStream with some value in it? (not null)

I have initialised InputStreamReader with a byte Array and then initialized ObjectOutputStream passing it to it's constructor. But it shows error: invalid stream Header. Please help on how to give some value to ObjectInputStream.
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1 answer

java socket ObjectInputStream

inStream = new ObjectInputStream(this.socket.getInputStream()); Packet rank = (Packet)inStream.readObject(); Hi, I supposed to receive an array from two clients. I can only receive from a client and prompt an error like this : Thanks in advance …
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1 answer

ObjectOutputStream between Java (PC) and Android doesnt work

Hej, I've got a Problem with my Messenger I'm writing for Android. The Problem is, that the socket on the Phone AND on the PC connected without any problems. But they cant get the ObjectInputStream as well as the ObjectOuputStream (InputStream and…
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1 answer

How to read the multiple objects text file in java?

How to read the multiple objects in a text file. I am trying to read the text file. I am always get only the first object of the file. How to get the all objects from text file... List processfiles = new ArrayList(); …
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