Questions tagged [object-oriented-database]

ODBMS: a database management system that represents information as objects, like in object-oriented programming

233 questions
2 answers

How do I make this object-oriented?

Currently I have the code below which registers a user. It doesn't check to see if the username currently exists or anything like that, that is something that I want to implement. I've never known how to use php objects and forms together. Any help…
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Query conversion from db4o to hibernate

I'm currently working on a project to implement an OODB (object oriented database) cache where the requirements are to use a db4o database as the cache and store objects in it. My backend database is in MySQL and I am using Hibernate to get the data…
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unique key/attribute/property in zodb

Very simple senario: class User(Persistent): def __init__(self, username, email): self.username = username = email I want to store the User instances in zodb by its username while keeping email unique. u1 =…
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How to dynamical specify table fields name in objectDB on any other DB

I am using objectdb with jpa2. I want to let my users specify the fields of my entity. How do I do that? For example say I have an entity named Animal and I want the user to be the one specifying the name of the fields, all Strings. How would I do…
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PHP Class uses Static DB Table/Column Names. How to make Dynamic? (BEST PRACTICES)

I found a PHP-based recipe and meal plan script, that I'd like to edit. There's a MealPlan Class that allows all users to create their own daily menus/mealplans, by selecting from a list of all recipes found in the database. I want to switch the…
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Resources and guidelines for porting an object database + data to a relational database

Does anyone have any pointers to information on techniques for object database to relational database conversion? I've done the standard searches and have only come up with Data Conversion from Object-Oriented to Relational database so far. It's a…
Jeff Leonard
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relationship between entities in c#, necessary?

Regarding the topic, some entities have multiplicity relationship I learned all of these in my studies, however, is it necessary to maintain in c# programming such as using Entity framework in this example ?…
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How to decide whether to use a RDBMS, Doc/Obj ODBMS or Graph?

What I intend to design basically boils down to a list of users, organisations, events, addresses and comments which could quite easily be maintained in a RDBMS such as MySQL. However, if the project takes off I want to add another aspect which is…
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What is an "Object Database" and when is it beneficial to use one?

I'm quite familiar with what I understand to be relational databases such as mysql where you have tables, rows, columns and joins to figure out how content relates. Someone suggested I use an object database for a project I'm busy with but I don't…
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Creating procedure with dynamic SQL

Here are the instructions: A company wants to allow customers to do product search by selecting a product name or description, and then typing a search term. Using native dynamic SQL, create a procedure name SEARCH_SP that returns a product name,…
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What is the current viability of an OODBMS in game development?

So, I've been researching for quite some time now, but it seems that all the results I'm getting are fairly outdated. I'd like to know what the current state of object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS) are in relation to fairly large…
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Can I create a SQL database schema where instead of having primary keys, I create new tables for each scenario ? What are its disadvantages?

For example - If I need 3 tables for my app - A,B and C. When creating a new scenario/record instead of inserting a new row, I create a set of 3 new tables - A2,B2,C2 Next time when I create a new scenario, I create set of 3 new tables A3,B3,C3 and…
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Which design pattern can be most suited for building a recursive tree?

I want to choose a design pattern for the below case: Ancestor Tree: An ancestor tree is a special type of family trees that keeps track of all known ancestors of a person. The following is the data definition of an ancestor tree. • An empty…
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How can I apply classes to my Tkinter application?

I am trying to create an application where within the main frame, there are two other frames (side to side). The left frame consist of buttons that are always visible. Those buttons will change the contents of the right frame. I have done this…
B Food
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2 answers

Java ArrayList<>() Fetch

I have FilmDAO which have List getAllFilm(), in the main i have : List lsfilm = new ArrayList (); lsfilm = FilmDAO.getAllFilm(); My question is how to fetch the list objects one by one, and get only the name of the movie (nomFilm) so…
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