Questions tagged [oauth-2.0]

OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open protocol framework to allow secure API authorization in a simple and standardized way for desktop, mobile and web applications. OAuth 2.0 is the second version of the OAuth protocol.

OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open protocol to allow secure API authorization in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.

OAuth 2.0 is the second version of the OAuth protocol.

Popular services that support OAuth 2


Official Logo:

oauth 2 logo

19611 questions
1 answer

Missing user_metadata in userInfo of auth0

For authentication I am using Auth0 AuthenticationApi. In Account Controller, I need to fetch the user_metadata but it's missing. Any alternative to fetch the user_metadata? AuthenticationApiClient client = new AuthenticationApiClient(new…
1 answer

How to implement google oauth in cakephp using cakedc/users?

I am trying to add a login layer using CakeDC/users plugin using linkedin and google. The linkedin login is working fine, but I am not able to figure out google login. Followed everything in the tutorial login with google oauth I am getting a code…
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2 answers

Google Oauth removing scopes from access

Lets say I have an application and my application has been running for years requesting access of users. The application in question was requesting way more access then was needed or the application has been changed and no longer needs some of the…
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1 answer

spring security + oauth2 + reactjs + restful http client

I am doing spring boot 1.5+ security with auth2 authentication and reactjs. for http calls using restful http client. Authentication is working perfectly and I am successfully accessing data from resource server. The issue is logout code is not…
Asif Iqbal
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2 answers

Google OAuth2 authentication with Spring Boot and Angular 2 CLI

I need to integrate social login to my webapplication. I use Spring Boot for my backend and Angular 2 as frontend technology. I followed this tutorial for setting up my project. This works perfectly and Spring Boot is running on http:/localhost:8080…
1 answer

OAuth2 Error during facebook authentication in Rails

In development mode, during the authentication callback phase from localhost/auth/facebook, I am faced with the following error OAuth2::Error : {"access_token":"XXX","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":123} This is the location of the error This…
1 answer

CORS issue while making an Ajax request for oauth2 access token

I am making an ajax call from my client to the google oauth 2 API '' to get the access token, but i get following error: Response to preflight…
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2 answers

Spring Oauth2 Authorization_Grant - cannot access resources after token - User Anonymous

I'm trying to secure my REST Api with authorization grant flow with spring. I could obtain (with Postman) an access token, i put the authorization into the header with Bearer, but i could not access resources because Spring Security tell me that: …
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1 answer

Fatal Error - Class 'League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\AbstractProvider' not found (phpMailer)

I installed league/oauth2-client with composer and it created this line in composer.json "league/oauth2-client": "2.2.0" When I refreshed get_oauth_token.php page, this error still came out: Fatal error: Class…
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2 answers

Enabling SSL on Flask + Google App Engine

I'm trying to implement some Google APIs in my Flask/Google App Engine web app. I'm currently stuck on the authentication part as oauth2 redirect URI requires the connection to be secure and I cannot do that with Flask since it's the GAE…
3 answers

Devise/Google OAuth 2: Not found. Authentication passthru

I followed the tutorial in the readme of the omniauth-google-oauth2 gem and when I click the link on my root (@ pages#home), <%= link_to "Sign up with Google", user_google_oauth2_omniauth_authorize_path %>, I get the error: Not found.…
Zack Shapiro
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1 answer

Can I use Oauth2 Authorization Code flow for a SPA (React app), if I have a server-side proxy?

After watching an obscene amount of tutorials on OAuth2, there is one best practice that everyone repeatedly states - if you have a React app (or Angular, or Ember) - you must use Implicit flow with it. I understand that storing client credentials…
2 answers

How to authenticate user on REST using Shiro and OATH 2

I am about to start developing a REST service and security is an important aspect of this project but I can't find some definitive information on how to implement it. My service will be consumed by an Android App at first, but could be used by other…
Michel Feinstein
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3 answers

How to set redirect_uri using QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow and QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler

For OAuth 2.0 using QT's networkauth and the new QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow object, how can I set the redirect_uri? My code is below. It results in the following authenticate url being sent: QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow::buildAuthenticateUrl:…
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1 answer

OAuth2 authentication plugin for ServiceStack .NET Core

Apologies if this is already answered on this site or in the extensive ServiceStack documentation - I have looked, but if it does exist, I would appreciate a pointer! I've been trying to knock up an example service stack (1.0.35) service which…
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