Questions tagged [nsurlrequest]

on iOS , NSURLRequest objects represent a URL load request in a manner independent of protocol and URL scheme. NSURLRequest encapsulates two basic data elements of a load request: the URL to load, and the policy to use when consulting the URL content cache made available by the implementation.

1089 questions
2 answers

How can i check if the smtp server ( as / ) exists?

Hello i'm making a program in objective-c for iOS, i would like to only check if the smtp server ( after the @ ) exists by ping it or doing a HTTP request on it and get in return the status ( 200 ). what i'm doing now it's getting the…
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1 answer

Posting an url i"m getting Invalid request

What would be the reason for getting Invalid Request when we are posting an URL to server in iOS SDK. the URL what i am sending is correct and the data what I'm posting is also correct. I tried in RestClient also even though I'm getting same error…
1 answer

Or parameterized API call crashing in Swift

I am making a call to an API where I want have status equal to final or in progress. Here is the call I am using: let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: NSURL(string:…
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iOS remove special characters from URL string

I want to call this URL using NSURLRequest:{"tag1":"üğişi","tag2":"çöçödd"} These characters which are "üğişi" and "çöçödd" UTF8 character. I need to convert this URL to get response. Can you help me?
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Need help, Cannot convert value of type '(NSURLRequest!, NSHTTPURLResponse!, UIImage!)

Im getting a error which says Cannot convert value of type (NSURLRequest!, NSHTTPURLResponse!, UIImage!) -> Void' to expected argument type '((NSURLRequest, NSHTTPURLResponse?, UIImage) -> Void)? Here is the code import UIKit class…
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1 answer

RequestResponse nil I'm getting

I want to pass this data using api. I want to get countryname id,code,but I'm not getting how to do. -(void) getCountries { NSString *get=[[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"city id=%@,&lang=%@",[self.countryCode text],[self.countryList…
2 answers

NSURLConnection with POST doesn't work

I'm trying request a URL parsing parameters with POST, but mypage.php is not receiving this parameters... Here is my code: NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL…
Aranha Silva
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1 answer

Working with AFNetworking (iOS)

I'm trying to make a request to a server and I don't know why it doesn't work. Here's my current code: NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.www.www/www"]; AFHTTPClient *httpclient = [[AFHTTPClient alloc] initWithBaseURL:url]; …
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1 answer

JSON parsing using NSURL with authorization

In the following code JSONparsing method is working fine , but when I am changing url in odataJsonParsing method with: $filter=(BankCtry%20eq%20%27IN%27)&$format=json…
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