Questions tagged [ngen]

The Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe) is a tool for the .NET framework that improves the performance of managed applications by creating and caching processor-specific machine code, so that just-in-time compilation is no longer necessary.

From Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe) on MSDN:

The Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe) is a tool that improves the performance of managed applications. Ngen.exe creates native images, which are files containing compiled processor-specific machine code, and installs them into the native image cache on the local computer. The runtime can use native images from the cache instead using the just-in-time (JIT) compiler to compile the original assembly.

158 questions
2 answers

How to determine if assembly has been ngen'd?

How can you determine whether a particular .Net assembly has already been ngen'd or not? I need to check from code. Even invoking the command-line would be fine. At the moment I can't see any way of determining this.
Gareth Hayter
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Validating .NET Framework Assemblies

I just went through our german VB.NET forums and there was something interesting that gives me some kind of headache. It is actually possible to edit the .NET Framework assemblies using ReflexIL or some other IL editor. The only thing you have to…
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3 answers

NGen and Gacutil best practices

I've been working on a WinForms application which has about 5 referenced assemblies - written by us, and about 8 referenced assemblies by third parties (we wont be hoping to update them in the future unless something goes terribly wrong -…
Sophia Lawrence
1 answer

ngen and profiling

I'm trying to use NGen to see if native images of my application run better than the .NET ones. However, I'm having a little bit of trouble figuring out what to do. My application is called MyApp.exe and it has several dependency DLLs. I opened up…
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Ngen vs RyuJIT - fastest x64 running code when (pre-)startup does not matter

Are Ngen and RyuJIT two completely unrelated things under .NET 4.6 (especially with different optimization techniques and algorithms)? What produces fastest (better optimized) x64 native code if we do not care about the cost of jitting itself and/or…
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.NET Runtime Optimization Service is missing

I am currently developing software which I would like while the software is installing, it can create the native images for the software in the background. I am thinking of using NGEN and also set the process priority to low because I don't want it…
Scott Tan
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How to properly NGen .NET application during installation

I'm using Inno Setup to generate setup program for my application, and I would like to write a script to NGen my application during installation. I want the code to be able to NGen files targeting x86, x64, or AnyCPU. I want to be able to NGen on…
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1 answer

Basic WPF application take 10s to open (.NET 4.5)

Here is the situation: I just build a basic WPF application with a simple grid with a
1 answer

Can NGEN be used with Azure Websites?

After much research I still cannot find the answer to this question. So can one NGEN one's ASP.NET MVC3 application which is deployed in Azure Websites, in a 32bit "Basic" or "Standard" instance? Thanks.
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How to uninstall older .net native images generated with ngen without matching IL assemblies?

I have been running "ngen install ..." on an application while it is being developed. But haven't run "ngen uninstall ..." on some of the versions / scenarios (debug etc.) before those assemblies were overwritten. Now I see many *.ni.exe and…
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1 answer

Reading instance fields when debugging JIT'ed assemblies

Over the last couple of weeks, I've been playing around with the unmanaged .NET debugging API. While MSDN documents the interfaces itself, to find out how to actually use them in any meaningful way, I resorted to various blogs (mainly Mike Stall's)…
Ruurd Keizer
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2 answers

NGEN'd assemblies not being loaded

I'm trying to measure the performance impact of NGENing my assemblies versus not but I am unable to get my executable to load the NGEN assemblies. I ran the following from the VS2010 command prompt: ngen install MyApp.exe This completed without any…
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5 answers

Generating Native Images outside the Cache

I would like to use NGEN.EXE in order to generate native images of my assemblies before I create my installer. I am hoping this will keep my binaries Reflector-proof. Am I correct about this? I have just come to understand that all native images are…
Agnel Kurian
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2 answers

Measuring JIT time of a .NET application

I'm aware that you can use NGen to make native pre-compiled images of your .NET application. But how do you measure how much time your application has spent in JIT? What profiling tools will measure this? Are there any free tools that do so? I'd…
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2 answers

How to change the text shown while NGen is running in a WiX MSI package

We are using NGen during installation to optimize startup time of our application.
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