Questions tagged [newtons-method]

In numerical analysis, Newton's method (also known as the Newton–Raphson method) is a method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function.

In numerical analysis, Newton's method (also known as the Newton–Raphson method) is a method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function.


enter image description here

In this formula xn + 1 is the next closest approximation after xn, f(xn) is the function at xn and f'(xn) is the derivative of the function at xn.

First approximation x0 has to be in interval (a,b) where exact solution x* is situated.

359 questions
1 answer

Newton's Method for System of Equations in MATLAB

I have tried to implement Newton's method for a system of equations, but I don't think it works correctly. I should get angles around [60 22.5 -60] degrees but right now I get [995 90 -230] degrees. Can someone see what's wrong with my code? hold…
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scipy.optimize.newton gives TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "int") to tuple

My whole program is right (I've checked at various stages). The highlighted line in this module, however, returns the error: TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "int") to tuple I don't know why this is happening. funcPsat returns float…
Pearl Philip
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Order of convergence Newton

Hello I have written this to determine a root using Newton's method. The algorithm works. I also tried to implement an Experimental order of convergence EOC. It also works but I get the result that the order of convergence for Newton's method is 1…
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Use inverse CDF to generate random variable in R

First, I have no idea wether the professor gave the wrong question. Anyway, I tried to generate F(x)~U(0,1), where CDF F(x)=1-(1+x)exp(-x) (For this CDF, you could not calculate x=g(F(x)) by hand). And then calculate the root of F(x) to achieve what…
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2 answers

Overflow: math range error in a recursive function

I'm trying to compute the root of tanh(x) as an exercise. I'm using the Newton-Raphson method, where the algorithm asks for an initial guess The algorithm is supposed to not converge for initial guesses larger than about 1. But I get a math range…
2 answers

Segmentation Fault (Malloc?)

I am working on a program that uses Jacobi iteration ( But I'm getting a seg fault. The code looks correct to me, and I'm thoroughly frustrated at this point. Maybe someone can point out my mistake. int…
Samuel Brockmann
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0 answers

Is this code structure correct?

I have been trying to get the Newton-Raphson method to work, but after much trying no success. Actually I get no bugs but the method does not converge. The error reduces to an extent, like 1.e-8, and it remains in this range. Remarks: All the…
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1 answer

Infinite loop in Newton Raphson method

I'm writing a program to calculate a value for lambda except it's getting stuck in the do loop. It doesn't seem to be updating the n value as I was hoping that by setting nMax = 100 it would at least finish quickly in case the other case (eps >=…
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1 answer

Infinite while loop in Java - Newton-Raphson method

Ok this code was in another question but I couldn't work out how to add my updated code. I got this code working and putting out the right answers but it isn't stopping according to my while loop conditions. i'm not sure what I've done wrong there?…
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How to use Newton-Raphson method to find the square root of a BigInteger in C#

So I'm attempting to use the Newton-Raphson method to find the square root of a BigInteger. Here is my code: private void sqrRt(BigInteger candidate) { BigInteger epsilon = new BigInteger(0.0001); …
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1 answer

Newton Raphson in MATLAB

I would like to implement the following: ive written a script that executes the Newton Raphson algorithm for my specific function. Now I would like to write a script that repeats itself using the previous found zero as my next intial starting…
2 answers

Newton-Raphson method to solve cubic equations

I am completely a beginner in programming, therefore please tell me if the answer to my question is very evident and obvious. I started learning python a week ago, and having learnt the basics of using the Newton-Raphson method to solve equations, I…
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Looping advice needed

double a = 1, Lspan = 30, Lcable = 33, fn, fdn, dfn, j; fn = (2 * a * (Math.Sinh(Lspan / 2 * a))) - Lcable; fdn = (2 * (Math.Sinh(Lspan / 2 * a)) - ((Lspan / 2 * a) * Math.Cosh(Lspan / 2 * a))); dfn = -fn / fdn; do j = a + dfn; while (dfn >…
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Need A Newton Raphson matlab function

i have a polynomial f(x)= x^3-a and i need its matlab function with parameters function [x,err]=cubic1(a,xinit,eps) where xinit: Initial approximation eps: iterations are performed until approximate error is less than this number x: Root…
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2 answers

How to determine the Jacobian when solving a nonlinear system by Newton-Raphson method

I am trying to solve some nonlinear systems by Newton's method and the solution accuracy is very important to my problem. without using the symbolic computation softwares, how can I compute the Jacobian of a general nonlinear system of polynomials…
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