Questions tagged [nested-repeater]

Use this tag when the structure is like that one Repeater (Child) is placed inside another Repeater (Parent). Both Repeaters will bind from different Data Sources.

If you use Repeater in nested structure then you have to bind both Repeaters (Parent and Child) from different Data Sources (can be DataTable, List, Database etc).

The nested structure could be:

(-) Repeater -> Parent
 (-) Controls
 (+) Repeater -> Child

Note: Child Repeater will be bind in RowDataBound event of Parent Repeater with C#.

92 questions
2 answers

nested repeater in

A a1 a2 a3 B b1 C c1 c2 How can I do that using nested repeaters? I have a category and a sub-category. But sub-category count is not stable. It depens on it's category. It can be any number 1 to 20.
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1 answer

Nested repeaters - How to access item on 3rd level without runat server tag?

Hi i have a 3 tiered nested repeater and i need to access the values in the repeater condRptr below on postback, i tried everything but dont seem to be able to get anywhere. I had the table originally within the repeater with runat server in the…
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Exception while using nested repeaters

I have a datatable containing all my data called dtData. That datatable contains task descriptions with a task due date for every task description. Here is what I want to do: The user selects the month and year from a dropdown and clicks on a…
Singh Siddharth
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1 answer

conditional logic within nested Repeater

I have two repeaters, 1 nested within the other. The Inner Repeater contains and displays basically a grid of text boxes to allow the user it enter in sets of information. If there are 0 items for the nested child, there is no issue. Otherwise,…
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1 answer

3 Nested Repeater Using LINQtoSQL To Implementing N-N Relation

I have 3 tables in my DB. I implemented a N-N relation using "AccountAccessRight" Table as a junction Table. So "Account" Table has 1-N relation with "AccountAccessRight" and "AccountAccessRight" has N-1 Relation to "NextOfKin" Table. Iwant to list…
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1 answer

Looping thru all radiobuttonlists on page

I have a survey composed of nested repeater objects of questions that are within subjects. Everything is populated dynamically via the database. Each question has a radiobuttonlist of answers. There can be one or many questions per subject. When the…
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how to show pattern in asp-Repeater item template?

I have a page in my project where I want to show the attendance of the employees. When present P should be shown and when absent then A and on holidays H should be shown in the repeater. Now on my web page I have 2 textboxes through which I…
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1 answer

Nested Repeater using XMLNodeList

I am stuck on a problem. I think I am probably close to the solution but can not seem to get there. I have an XMLDoc that is loaded from a stored Proc, into a dataset and the xml is pulled from it, (don't think I can change any of this part). The…
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0 answers

Is there a better option than nested GridViews?

The question here is about using nested GridViews or to "pre-assemble" the data from two tables using an SQL UNION in order to display it with a single GridView so that it appears as shown on the image below. I am working on an ASP.Net project for…
1 answer

getting datediff/timespan between records

Let's say I have a basic C# web app where I enter the dates of different events, say oil changes, for example. And I want to track this for different vehicles. And then I want to calculate the difference in days between oil changes. So for…
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Child Repeater control fails to hide or show Panel Control when used inside nested repeater

I am Using Nested repeater Controls to show albums by Year Out put should be like Year -- Album 1 Album 2 Album 3 Album 4 [IMG More] Year -- Album 1 Album 2 Album 3 Album 4 [IMG More] Year -- Album 1 Album 2 Album 3 Album 4 [IMG More] SOLVED: I…
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1 answer

Display data in Nested repeater control & how to pass value parentID from Parent Repeater to Child Repeater using

I have to display photo gallery as show in the image. I store information for photo gallery in 4 different tables. i need to show on main page CategoryName and Albums along with their respected Icon and link them to a AlbumCategoryPage.aspx. In…
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Using parent data as the zerotext of a nested repeater

If my nested repeater returns no results, I want the zerotext result to be from the parent item. I can't figure it out; I've read around the issue but nothing seems to cover this specifically. I'm using Kentico EMS v6. Is it even possible? Thanks,…
Sinister Beard
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1 answer

Advanced Custom Field post object inside 2 nested repeater is not working

I am trying to achieve like this.. I am trying to show a post object as repeater inside 2 nested repeater field.. I am using this repeater and post object in a page template called page-bagels.php . These 2 repeater showing the 2 row as output as…