Questions tagged [negate]

81 questions
2 answers

How to replace values in df that are NOT fulfilling condition

I am trying to clean my data and can't find a way to replace values that are not according to my conditions like in the following example: df1<- data.frame( A=c("a","b","c"), Ch=c("c1","xyz","c2"), val=paste0("x",1:3), stringsAsFactors =…
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1 answer

Assembly negation in msp430

I have the following versions of negating some integer value (in R12) in assembly in msp430 : inv R12 inc R12 this is according to the manual and I think this will work the same? inv R12 add #1, R12 But will this work and why not? : sub #1,…
0 answers

Scheme altering tree values

I receive a tree and suppose to output the same tree with the values negated: 1 becomes -1, -2 becomes 2, #t becomes #f and the opposite way. The tree is flexible - each can have multiple sons, one or none. I'm not allowed to add user-defined helper…
Adam Morad
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0 answers

How to use negate function with balanced ternary numbers?

I've been trying to convert balanced ternary numbers through the negate function in python def convert_to_balanced_ternary(n): if n == 0: return '0' negative = n < 0 bt = '' while n > 0: r = n % 3 if r == 0: bt = '0' + bt …
Mr Mister
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1 answer

Regex to remove all except XML

I need help with a Regex for notepad++ to match all but XML The regex I'm using: (!?\<.*\>) <-- I want the opposite of this (in first three lines) The example code: [20173003] This text is what I want to delete…
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1 answer

bitwise negate and bitwise XOR 1 not equivalent?

My discrete math tells me that negate every bit of a binary number is equivalent to XOR it with 1. That is: ~1010 === 0101 1010 XOR 111 = 0101 But this doesn't hold in javascript: ~123 === -124 123 ^ 1 === 122 Why?
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2 answers

Automating process to multiply values in tab delimited file by -1 to negate them

I've been manually processing a large amount of files in Excel. I've done some searching but haven't found a definitive best practice as to how I can achieve this process in an automated fashion. My manual process is as follows: I have a .tab…
4 answers

Is there a difference between -x vs x * -1.0f?

In java, is there a difference between negating a variable vs multiplying a variable by a float minus one, if the variable is also a float?
Marek Krzeminski
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2 answers

Turn on leftmost bit of a Short

Original question changed. I want to bitwise turn off the left most bit of a Short value (&H8000) and leave the other bits as they are. Dim x = BitConverter.GetBytes(Short.MaxValue Or &H8000) Dim z = BitConverter.ToInt16(x, 0) Isn't there any…
Shimmy Weitzhandler
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2 answers

Python text search library

I am looking for a library that would let me do something like the following: matches( user_input="hello world how are you what are you doing", keywords='+world -tigers "how are" -"bye bye"' ) Basically I want it to match strings based on…
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1 answer

Regex and jquery validate. Negate expression

I'm working on a addition method for the jquery validate plugin which must detect if 3 or more consecutive identical characters are entered, and prompt a message. To do so I need to negate a regex expression. This is my…
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1 answer

In Ruby, how to implement "20 - point" and "point - 20" using coerce()?

In Ruby, the operation of point - 20 # treating it as point - (20,20) 20 - point # treating it as (20,20) - point are to be implemented. But the following code: class Point attr_accessor :x, :y def initialize(x,y) @x, @y = x, y …
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2 answers

Negating Regular Expression for Price

I have a regular expression for matching price where decimals are optional like so, /[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{1,2})?/ Now what I would like to do is get the inverse of the expression, but having trouble doing so. I came up with something simple…
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3 answers

Negate regular expression in Perl

I am splitting a text file into blocks in order to extract those blocks which do not contain a certain line by using a regular expression. The text file looks like this: [Term] id: id1 name: name1 xref: type1:aab xref: type2:cdc [Term] …
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5 answers

How to negate regex validation string?

I want to replace all the string except the @[anyword] I have string like this: yng nnti dkasih tau :)"@mazayalinda: Yg klo ada cenel busana muslim aku mau ikutan dong "@noviwahyu10: Model ! Pasti gk blh klo k and the @mazayalinda and @noviwahyu10…
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