Questions tagged [native-base]

NativeBase is a free, open source, cross-platform, reusable UI component library for React Native.


Kitchen Sink Demo

Take a look at the official demo by downloading the Expo app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and scanning the QR Code here.

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843 questions
1 answer

Nativebase React Native why can't i pass a number on an input

I'm using react native nativebase and i want to pass a number to my input value but im getting an error that says i cannot pass a number to a string. setTarget(text)} …
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Handel screen from reactivelist to details screen

I have to secreen one listitem created by reactivelist in reactivesearch and second screen details item, how i can prees any item in list and display detiels for this item
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Is there a way to send local images to a component function?

I would like to send a series of local image files to a component so that they could be rendered. I haven't found any way to do it where images were from local storage. I've only seen it where the images had online links and those links were stored…
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react native component with two different buttons in right and left

Is there any kind of components in react native with two buttons in right and left like SwipeRow, with a little different?, I am looking for a component that shows buttons in right and left without need the user swipe items to left or right
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Navigation with React Native Base

I want to navigate to another screen (i.e 'Details') when I hit the login button. This is my working main code: (could be checked on Snack Expo) import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Container, Header, Left, Body, Right, Button, Title,…
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Button onpress go to tab screen in react native base

Here I used React native base scrollabletab. If i press the button('Go to menu4') then this screen will be move to Menu4. How to do that ? Here is my code. import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Container, Button, Tab, Tabs,…
2 answers

How to create a custom radio group

i wan't to create a radio group in react native with native base components. i have made a radiobutton now i want to create a group. i wan't to connect it to redux to use it in my forms, i created it with state but now i don't know how to code to…
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Can we set two buttons in column in footer component of 'native-base' or can we set height of footer of 'native-base'?

I am using native-base components.I want to set two or 2 buttons in column view in Footer.can we set height of Footer?.I am new to React Native.This is view
civani mahida
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React Native - Native Base Picker shows label instead of Value

Native base picker renders label instead of value
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Use react-native created an application installation package big size

I used react-native, expo, native-base & typescript. I created a simple function inside my application. After installing I found size of the application was too large, I don't know why, what should I do to make it more concise or smaller?
1 answer

How Add or Remove Checkboxes value from the array?

i want to add or remove value from the array. when i select the checkbox the value will pushed to array. when i unselect the checkbox the value will remove from the array. CheckBox
1 answer

undefined is not an object (evaluating '')

Trying to open Detail screen with static content using native-base components , in iOS it's working fine but in android i was getting problem related to "Roboto-medium" font , so after R&D i came to know that I have to import that font module from…
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What is wrong on this sidebar component? It shows raw text "}" must be wrapped in explicit text component

This code worked last day. When we try to separate it shows this error. I am sure that trouble is in this component as far as other components work perfectly. What can be the reason for it? You can check code on the below: import React from…
1 answer

error on install native base in project

React native work well for me. I install native base with this: $ npm install -g native-base-cli Then I create new project with this: $ react-native init T $ cd T Then after this command I have the error: $ npm install native-base --save npm WARN…
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Vertically aligning Content component with ability to scroll

I am trying to vertically align Content component from NativeBase with ability to scroll if content inside is too big for the screen size. This means that in large devices content is vertically aligned to center while in small devices is scrollable…
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