Questions tagged [musicbrainz]

MusicBrainz is a community maintained database of music information. One of its primary uses is as a source of metadata for tagging MP3s. It provides a web service to access the data.

101 questions
2 answers

How to get genre of the album for spotify app

I would like to retrieve the genre of the track/ album being currently played in Spotify. I've looked at Last.FM for getting the genre from the album or from the track but it seems there is no option. Please can someone help me to find the genre via…
Coder Guru
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1 answer

Trying to create a ID3-Tag editor. TypeError: Missing filename or fileobj argument

I am creating a tageditor that displays the ID3-Tags of an mp3 file in a "before" "after" style in different textLines. If there's no tag available, nothing is displayed. You are also able to edit the "after" textLines and any changes made to them…
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2 answers

returning band members from musicbrainz

I've a reasonable amount of experience using javascript but never made a call to an external database, so this is new ground for me. I'm trying to return the members of a band as a json object from the Musicbrainz database. At the moment it doesn't…
Bob Haslett
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2 answers

How to sort results from the MusicBrainz search API

I'm trying to retrieve track information from the MusicBrainz API, using only the artist and title as search queries: This will return every version of the…
Jonathan Holvey
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3 answers

Finding names to songs in .NET

I have a collection of mp3, wma's etc that may or may not have the correct song information. Is there a service or an API that I can use in .NET to find the correct song title / artist for each file?
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1 answer

Return track-list using musicbrainzngs.search_releases()

I'm getting acquainted with musicbrainzngs and have run into a snag. All of the track-lists which are returned from the following are empty. Are there additional parameters I need to provide or is this a bug? releases =…
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1 answer

musicbrainz api get all release groups and release dates

How do I get ALL release groups and release dates for an artist in one call with the musicbrainz api? The closest I've been able to come to doing this is by…
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2 answers

How to get this XmlAttribute

From the MusicBrainz REST service, I get the following xml: ... Using WCF and XmlSerializationFormat, I'm able to get the type and id attributes... but How do…
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0 answers

Setting up Musicbrainz prepared dataset in Neo4j fails

I've downloaded the Musicbrainz prepared dataset and tried to connect it to my server, but when I try to start the database up it fails stating "Component 'org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.xa.NeoStoreXaDataSource@629b10d1' was successfully initialized,…
Ezra Levi
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1 answer

Get discography of an artist exactly like the overview page on musicbrainz

I am trying to use the musicBrainz api for getting the discography of an artist using the following method: but i get a lot of unsorted and repeated data. I know that i can use keywords…
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1 answer

Plugin not working on MusicBrainz v1.2

As an exercise for learning, I am trying to write a plugin for MusicBrainz that matches the albumartistsort to albumartist and artistsort to artist, as opposed to the (apparently) default of Last Name, First Name format it is currently using. I am…
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2 answers

Getting a tracklist from MusicBrainz

I am trying to learn Python, and thought I'd learn by writing something I'd actually use. SO I'm trying to write a little script to rip some music CDs. I am using the musicbrainzngs package. I would like to get the tracklist of the CD. My code…
Jonny Barnes
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3 answers

Converting unicode characters from returned JSON in python

I am trying to return JSON from the API service from musicbrainz, the returned data for some songs have unicode characters which I am having trouble converting them to regular symbols etc. Kindly let me know what I should be doing here. JSON: { …
Prem Minister
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2 answers

How to programmatically retrieve editing history pages from MusicBrainz using python?

I'm trying to programmatically retrieve editing history pages from the MusicBrainz website. (musicbrainzngs is a library for the MB web service, and editing history is not accessible from the web service). For this, I need to login to the MB website…
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1 answer

SQL - Self Join to find two label with a release in common with a third label

I'm using PostgreSQL and PgAdmin 4 and I'm working with MusicBrainz database. I need to find the couples of label that have never released a release in common, but that they both have released a release with a third label (the same label for…
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