Questions tagged [multiple-instances]

Multiple-instances are two or more programs which share the same code and run at the same time

947 questions
3 answers

Toggle only one dropdown from multiple with same class

I found a nice script for dropdowns. The thing is, I'm trying to have multiple dropdowns on the same page, but use the same class so I don't have to duplicate the styles. The script is form…
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Multiple connection strings running one by one c#

guys, I'm pretty new, actually a beginner in coding and I got a project from my boss for an app that's gonna access a client's database and send mail with the past activity executing a stored procedure. I've done the application, but now I have a…
1 answer

How to create two instances of same java class running in same process?

I am learning Java Process and I am trying to create two instances of same java class running in same process which is a requirement. class Chat { public void getMessage() { * * * some implementation } } class ProcessMain { public…
Sujatha Rajesh
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Multiple Monthly Statements within Monthly billing cycle

Each department is supposed to have only one statement per monthly billing cycle. 
My goal is to figure out how many departments have been hit with more than one billing statement within the same billing cycle.   CONTEXT:  My current query is set to…
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Multiple concurrent instances of the page to be treated separately

I'm new to I've got an application which updates data in Dynamics CRM, on the click of the button on the page. When single instance of the application is running it's working as expected and updating the relevant CRM record…
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Eclipse Java multiple-instance conflicts?

I am running multiple instances of my own chess algorithm in Eclipse, having them play games against themselves. Each instance of the main class plays games against itself, so if I start two instances of the main class, two chess games will be…
Daniel Williams
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Symfony2 Routing for multiple clients

I'm very new to symfony, but I'm sure it will help me to develop faster. So here are my basic problem. I want to develop a application, that can be used by multiple clients. They will all have its own url. Something like…
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How to create multiple web application (different website) with 1 laravel installation

Requirement - I need to create 5 web applications for 5 different websites. Current Status - I have created 1 web application in laravel. Query - How to use this laravel instance to code for other 4 web applications. I am sorry if the question is…
Al D
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3 answers

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' for python

class Time: """The time class defines the time with the following attributes: hour ,minutes , second """ def __init__(self,hour=12,minutes=0,seconds=0): self.hour = hour self.minutes = minutes self.seconds =…
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Excel formula to search a column for specific number, and copy cell next to it, with multiple instances

Specifically I am trying to build a room roster for a conference from the registration data. I need to search a column of room numbers (Registration!K:K), and when that exact room number shows up (i.e. 111), I need to have the persons name listed…
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How display a JFrame from another JFrame method?

I'm new to Java GUI. I'm not good to thread programming. I just wondering if there is any easy way to create and display a JFrame from another JFrame method. I give you my code. The SettingsForm calls the Test which is a JFrame via the close()…
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1 answer

Send a string from jframe2 to jframe1

I have a jFrame1, two JTextField. One of the text fields should load the data from my jFrame2. In my jFrame1 I have a button that opens the jFrame2. When you press the button opens jFrame2, you can see 4 buttons, and when you press one of the…
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Is there any way to know whether class has been inherited in C++

In C++, Is there any way/ procedure to know whether particular class has been inherited by other class? Is it possible in C++
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Multiple JS Show/Hide

I have a show/hide functionality for the Video and FAQ section on the following test page: [code][/code] I believe my code should show 5 FAQs and 3 videos, but it is displaying 3…
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2 answers

the "mother frame" disapear after showing the next frame

I am actually working on a java project which shows many frames, and when we click on a button then we go to the appropriate frame ... the problem is that the first frame always stays visible. I have tried f1.setVisible(false); in the action…
john carter
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