Questions tagged [msdeploy]

Microsoft command line tool for deploying, synchronizing and packaging web applications, content and configuration settings to IIS Web Servers.

1102 questions
4 answers

How do I get msdeploy to create App_Data if it doesn't exist, but not delete any contents of the remote directory?

I have an application setup with the following Package/Publish Web settings: Only files needed to run this application (unchecked) Exclude generated debug symbols (checked) Exclude files from the App_Data folder (checked) Include all databases…
Emil Lerch
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2 answers

Full list of /P MSDeploy arguments for MSBuild from TeamCity

I currently use the MSBuild runner in TeamCity for continuous integration on my local server and this works very well. However, I'm having trouble finding a full list of supported command line switches for MSDeploy in the format that TeamCity…
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1 answer

Deploying an existing package using publish profiles

I'm trying to use the new publish profile support (available in VS2012 and in VS2010 via an update) to create a continuous delivery "deployment pipeline", whereby a package/zip is made in the first "stage" and the same package is deployed to various…
Richard Szalay
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3 answers

How can I avoid this deep folder structure with MSDeploy to filesystem using MSBuild?

I'm pulling my hair out over this MSBuild issue. We're using TeamCity to build a solution with two MVC websites in it. As part of the build we're deploying to a folder on the build server. IIS points to this folder to give us an integration build…
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1 answer

MSDeploy "Hangs" on MSDeployPublish

Trying to get MSDeploy working and it "hangs" on the MSDeployPublish task. It says "Start Web Deploy Publish the Application/package to https://myserver:8172/msdeloy.axd?site=mysite ... Starting Web deployment task from source: archiveDir(path…
Joe Young
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2 answers

Why does this web.config transform say it can't find the applicationSettings element?

I get the following error while transforming a web.config file in TeamCity. It happens on the element, . No element in the source document matches '/configuration/applicationSettings' The source file…
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9 answers

How do you call msdeploy from powershell when the parameters have spaces?

I'm running into a problem with spaces in my parameters that I try to send into msdeploy from a powershell script. There are a number of other related articles but none of them solve the problem. Problems Using Power Shell And MSDeploy. Similar SO…
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1 answer

Web Deploy - Using Relative Paths for local file system deployment

I am wanting to use Web Deploy to run a custom deployment setup. As I am wanting to have this work fine when running on many different environments (team members local machines, 4 different builds servers) I want to deploy to a local path that is…
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3 answers

MSDeploy to install windows service?

We have a website which publishes events using NServiceBus. The site is deployed using msdeploy. We also have the NServiceBus.exe which should run as a windows service to subscribe to these events, and we'd like to deploy that as well. Is there…
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3 answers

How to execute a PowerShell script only before a web deploy Publish task in VS 2012?

Currently I have a post-build event configured in my web project using Visual Studio 2012 like this: This basically calls a PowerShell script to add a copyright notice to every .cs file. What I'd like to do is to execute this powershell script only…
2 answers

App_Offline in MSBuild Remote Web Deploy

I have the following task in my MSBuild script to deploy to a remote server using Web Deploy (MSDeploy service):
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2 answers

MSDeploy: "Leave extra files on destination" from command line?

I use MSDeploy to publish things to different servers during CI. When I publish from Visual Studio 2010 I have a "Leave extra files on destination" option, but I can't seem to find a flag for this functionality when invoking MSDeploy from the…
Brad Heller
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7 answers

MSDeploy skip rules when using MSBuild PublishProfile with Visual Studio 2012

I'm trying to use WebDeploy to publish a website using custom MSDeploy skip rules and a publish profile saved in Visual Studio 2012. I have the publish profile working from the command line, but the skip rule to skip deleting a folder isn't working.…
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1 answer

MSDeploy RunCommand Priviliges

I am trying to use the -presync:runCommand option in MSDeploy and no matter what I try to run, I get the same error back: Error: A required privilege is not held by the client. I've tried a handful of items to execute, and none of them work. …
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4 answers

MSDeploy Error_Connection_Terminated while trying to deploy website

I have been getting the error "Error_Connection_Terminated" when trying to deploy a site to my localhost from the developer command prompt using MSDeploy and I am at the end of my rope trying to figure out whats causing it, the error is pretty…
David Swan
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