Questions tagged [motherboard]

Anything related to a computer system's motherboard issues. The term motherboard refers to the main printed-circuit board of a computer system where usually the CPU is mounted together with the all the ancillary circuitry needed to interface with other subsystems, such as system memory, disk controllers, graphic cards, etc. DO NOT USE this tag for questions concerning exclusively hardware issues (they are off topic on SO).

Anything related to a computer system's motherboard issues. The term motherboard refers to the main printed-circuit board of a computer system where usually the CPU is mounted together with the all the ancillary circuitry needed to interface it with other subsystems, such as system memory, disk controllers, graphic cards, etc.

DO NOT USE this tag for questions concerning exclusively hardware issues (they are off topic on SO).

It should be used for questions about software interaction with the motherboard facilities.

See Wikipedia page about motherboards.

66 questions
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Not working extruder stepper in Clone Zaribo MK3 based the MKS GEN L V 2.1

I've problem regarding extruder stepper. it has not been working no matter how i do. I'd like point out that MKS GEN L V2.1 has TMC2130 drivers and then these are used as 600-800 mA current. Extruder stepper has not had whatever vibration and sound.…
1 answer

How to determine the state of the motherboard intrusion switch?

Many motherboards have an integrated chassis intrusion switch function to detect if the case has been opened. There is a related BIOS setting to enable/disable it. I would like to view, in Windows, the current/previous states of the intrusion…
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How can I get the ID of the motherboard from Air application?

What are some ways to get the ID of the motherboard using Air application?
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CPU serial number / motherboard serial number using C#

I am using this piece of code to get the CPU / motherboard serial number: macid = AuraRijndael.GetMacID(); ManagementObjectCollection mbsList = null; ManagementObjectSearcher mbs = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * From…
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Where on the motherboard are the different thermal zones of Win32_PerfFormattedData_Counters_ThermalZoneInformation?

In WMI, there is a class in Root\cimv2\ called Win32_PerfFormattedData_Counters_ThermalZoneInformation. When I retrieve the instances of this class and their Temperatures in PowerShell, I get: \_TZ.PCHZ 273 …
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PCIe latency card to cpu

I'm writing a linux app that talks from user space "directly" to a PCIe card, via DMA, without interrupts and kernel. My aim is to minimize the data travel time between the card and my app. Currently I'm getting latencies of about 800ns, while I was…
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Is there a way to beep / play a sound in the motherboard at the end of a script?

In my work, I cannot use a speaker. When I run R scripts I go do something else on a different desktop. If I don't check frequently, I never know when something is finished. Is there a way to invoke a beep in the motherboard via some code at the end…
Márcio Mocellin
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Is there a way to manually change BIOS POST codes on motherboard LCD?

I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to change the BIOS POST Code that is displayed on the motherboard LCD. I want to develop a program that can manipulate the LCD screen on the motherboard to display any set of desired characters. I…
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2 answers

Processor can use RAM directly or Not?

Is there a time when processor use ram directly for its operations, without the involvement of cache memory? OR its like Processor always takes data from Cache and cache gets from Ram?
2 answers

How to get motherboard serial in Delphi?

Possible Duplicate: how to get motherboard id or serial number ?[Delphi] Is there any free component to get the motherboard serial number in Delphi?
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Python module to beep Windows motherboard speaker at specified frequency and length?

Windows 8.1, Python 3.4 I'm looking for a Python library that will allow me to beep the speaker on my motherboard for a specified length at a specified frequency. I've looked around, and the main suggestion was to use the winsound module. However,…
0 answers

How to make motherboard beep via javascript?

I'm developing a web application for employees of an enterprise and what I need is to make the motherboard to generate a sound on an event in a webpage in my application. I know about embedding a WAV file in my html and play it, but the constraint…
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MotherBoard information with WMI, using mingw

I am using mingw as a compiler, and i'm trying to get the wmi to work somehow, but the code depends on the wbemidl.h Wbemuuid.lib how can i avoid using this librariy? For example hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_WbemLocator, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,…
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access Port Connectors (read/write fan rotation speed on Asus Winbond HW)

I need to access Fan Speed. Board is KGPE-D16 with Winbond W83667HGA. I have got SMBIOS data about connectors and I need to read/write them [Port Connector Information] (Type 8) 08 09 17 00 01 FF 00 00 FF 46 52 4E 54 5F 46 41 .........FRNT_FA 4E 31…
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1 answer

How to get Motherboard name in

My program needs an upgrade and I was looking for the Motherboard name and Maker(Developer). And here's the problem there is WMI what is offered almost everywhere, and it lines up with Console.Writeline, what i want to do is to get the Label to show…