Questions tagged [mobx-state-tree]

mobx-state-tree is a state container for javascript apps that is powered by Mobx

172 questions
1 answer

Mobx(4.0.1) and mobx-state-tree(1.3.1) not compatible

OS - Windows 10 x64 NodeJs v8.9.3 npm 5.7.1 repository for sample code - I am working with mobx-state-tree and I have created a model Invoice with a field name. I am using that model in App.js…
Niral Patel
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How do you store a non mobx-state-tree type (Class instance) in models?

I get: Error: [mobx-state-tree] expected a mobx-state-tree type as first argument, got class HubConnection { constructor(urlOrConnection, options = {}) { options = options || {}; When trying to do this: import { HubConnection }…
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Is it possible to set a type that doesn't invoke the render() method in React-Native? mobx state tree

I'm in the process of familiarizing myself with React right now. I chose mobx-state-tree for state management. Since I used the MVP pattern in my Android projects, I would apply the same principle to mobx-state-tree. How I currently implemented, it…
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Attempting to access a types.reference(Model) before it's id is set for mobx-state-tree?

Got a question. So I'm making a small app working with the github api (using mobx-state-tree and mobx). I'm brand new to both. I'm having a problem: you see selectedRepo? If i set an id to it, I can access selectedRepo. However... if I attempt to…
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Error while converting `undefined` to `map`

I'm trying to create a super simple nested store with mobx-state-tree and I can't figure out how to get it working. Either this library is incredibly unintuitive or I'm just missing something obvious. I tried wrapping everything in…
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Multiple Async Calls?

I am using async/await. I am wondering how do I do multiple async calls all in parallel? do I do async method(){ call1(); call2(); } as it seems at least from the debugger it is calling one at a time. I am not sure if since I am using mobx…
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1 answer

Should I make a new Store or use an existing store? - Mobx State Tree?

I have classic example of Companies and Employees. Right now I have a CompanyStore that has Array of companies and each company can have an array of employees. Now this structure works great when in my admin section and you want to see how many…
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