Questions tagged [micronaut]

Micronaut is a JVM framework for building web applications with a strong focus on microservice applications.

Micronaut is an open source framework for the JVM designed for rapid development of web applications, particularly microservices. Micronaut supports building applications in Java, Groovy, and Kotlin.

1070 questions
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Trying to inject an @Client in to a Groovy Function

I'm trying to write a Micronaut AWS Groovy Lambda which makes HTTPS calls out to another service. I have followed the MN Docs and have created my project using: mn create-function hello-world -lang groovy This gave me a skeleton "hello-world"…
Edd Grant
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Tracing with micronaut not resumed when there is a backend outage for a while

I am using micronaut for an application and exporting traces to jaeger backend. The traces export is working only if jaeger is available when application comesup. Say if jaeger is brought up after app, or say if jaeger gets restarted, the traces are…
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RxJava convert Single object to String class

Is there a posibility to convert a Single object to String class? Single < User > stringSingle = Single.just(User.getName()); String s = ""; s=stringSingle; How can I assign stringSingle to the s variable?
1 answer

Micronaut Configuration Injection does not work as expected

Micronaut version I am using : 2.3.3 I tried out the examples mentioned in "4.3 Configuration Injection" of Micronaut documentation(URL given below). Especially, the annotations @Property & @Value. However, my debug break-points does not pause in…
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Micronaut, postgres issue

following the below link i tried to connect postgresql, when ran the test, all the test passed but when try to call the endpoint http://localhost:8080/genres/1 it is…
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Problem with annotation procesor and Micronaut 2.0 transaction

I have a problem using the default transaction management that comes with Micronaut 2.0. I know that I'm missing something but I don't know what. I created a small example project here. When I try to run the Application class I get the following…
1 answer

Why does Micronaut discard everything after hostname for client url configurations?

When configuring Micronaut Http Clients in the application.yaml I was unaware the url must only be the hostname and port, if anything more than the hostname and port is included then it is discarded by Micronaut when it chooses the host to call. The…
2 answers

Are Spring/Micronaut repository tests necessary

Hello stackoverflow community. I had an argument at work regarding if repository tests for spring-data JPA (or the Micronaut version) are necessary at all. This would be my setup of the application: @Controller ➡ @Service/@Sigleton ➡…
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1 answer

Import Spring Beans in Micronaut Application with Import

I am building a Micronaut application which uses Spring Beans. I want to import some classes which contains (Spring) bean definitions. In Spring you could do this with: @Configuration @Import({ DataSourceConfig.class, TransactionConfig.class…
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When save GORM entity in Micronaut Job an text field throws DataIntegrityViolationException... Data truncation: Data too long for column

I tried to save a GORM Entity in Micronaut Project Job: Entity: @Entity class OutputProcess extends Process implements Serializable{ static hasMany = [ rows: StatusRow ] static mapping = { content type: 'text' …
1 answer

HttpClient throws exception on response code 404. Is this by design or am I doing something wrong?

I am starting today with Micronaut. I built this controller: @Controller public class MyController implements MyApi{ @Override public String doit() { throw new NotFoundException(); } } and this exception…
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2 answers

Using GORM in Micronaut in Grails manner

Is it possible to use GORM in Micronaut without Services? I want to be able to write something very straight-forward: @Controller( '/my' ) class MyController { @Get( uri='/bundle' ) @Transactional( readOnly = true ) Map bundle() { […
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2 answers

Default micronaut application not running

Not being able to execute the default micronaut application using basic cli commands. This problem has occured on both the Maven and Gradle default projects. I don't understand why I'm having issues running the app. The repective default project…
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3 answers

Micronaut JSON post strip the Quotes

In Micronaut Controller parsing the post request using JSON object. I expect it to not include quotes, but it quotes in the database insert. Posting like this: curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"bookid":3,"name":"C++"}' …
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2 answers

Micronaut CompileStatic JSON object -Static type checking- No such property: bookid for class: java.lang.Object

In my Micronaut Controller I have below code to parse the JSON object. when I use @CompileStatic annotation it throwing this below error. @Post("/save") def save(@Body Object JSON) { String bookid=JSON?.bookid String…
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