Questions tagged [mermaid]

Mermaid is a markup language for generating diagrams and flowcharts.

Mermaid allows for generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown.

You can check its Usage, Flowchart syntax and Sequence diagram syntax.

118 questions
0 answers

Mermaid flowchart layout

I have the following Mermaid code that renders the following diagram: flowchart LR; classDef socket fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; subgraph host1[Client Host] subgraph "Client Process (Browser)" app1[Browser…
Ron Inbar
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How can i underline as apecific field in a graphviz record

Referring to How to underline text as part of a label? where underlining is explained. Is ist possible to combine underlining with column-layout? digraph g { graph [ rankdir = "LR"]; node [ shape = "record" ]; "other" [ label =…
0 answers

Change mermaid theme preview on VSCode

I use mermaid for make diagrams in basic markdown documents and I want to change the default theme to the neutral theme. I use VSCode and Markdown enhanced preview extension. I tried to change the mermaid_config.js file adding "theme": "neutral".…
0 answers

How to produce mermaid flowcharts that contain a title and description per node

I am working on ROS robots. I wanted to document the launchfiles using mermaid. Some things in these xml files would best fit into the same node like: Name Type Description ... Adding them as separate nodes would make th diagrams really…
1 answer

Typora, change font of text on links in graph mermaid

graph TD; A[Hello]--Change_font-->B[of_text] I want to change the font(color, size...) of the text on the link(Change_font), but I am not able to figure out. Can someone help?? flowchart
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3 answers

How do you specify Mermaid configuration within Gitlab Markdown?

In Gitlab, I've been able to render an Entity Relationship Diagram with Mermaid in a Markdown file as specified here. This is the Markdown I used: ```mermaid erDiagram CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : has CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER :…
John D
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1 answer

Installing mermaid on svelte

I'm trying to install Mermaid with Svelte to make graphs. So I did the following: npm install mermaid Then I get the following: npm WARN svelte-app@1.0.0 No repository field. npm WARN svelte-app@1.0.0 No license field. + mermaid@8.5.2 updated 1…
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2 answers

How can I change font / colors in mermaid.js Gantt

I recently discovered mermaid.js which is great to design graphs and Gantts. I'm using the live editor ( and it's quite easy. But how can I simply change the text font and its size, colors of the…
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2 answers

Azure DevOps Mermaid labels not centered

Question Is it possible to change my Azure DevOps wiki's Mermaid configurations? Or is there any other way for me to get my desired result on my wiki? Desired Result: Details Using the Mermaid markdown in an Azure DevOps wiki, the label in the…
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1 answer

Maximum Text Size In Diagram Exceeded

I am using mermaid 8.5.0 to generate flowchart, but getting error message Maximum Text Size In Diagram Exceeded. Saved MD to text document and size of document is 60kb. So wanted to find out if there is any configuration which can allow to accept…
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1 answer

Mermaid and MMD in BBEdit?

I'm a noob in scripting (for years now...) and a BBEdit fan user. I usually find solutions to my problems on StackO or GitH, but this time I do not, and I finally decide to create an account. First post on Stackoverflow ! So stressful ! BBEdit works…
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Problem using mermaid.cli in Sphinx on Windows

I have a simple Sphinx project where I'd like to be able to render my Mermaid charts as png. To do so, I have installed the mermaid.cli via yarn, but I've not managed to get it to work. My attempts I've tried various combinations: I've tried…
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Using UML in doxygen markdown page

I am using doxygen for my personal project and desire to use any type of UML language on page created by myself (markdown page). I do not mean to use it in code (it does work), but on a document created by myself, refer to example underneath: #…
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1 answer

How to type in multiple spaces in mermaid?

I'm using VS-Code to edit my markdown file, and need to make flowcharts (graph) to display workflow. The problem is VS-Code will not properly display the long text title, the last few part will be truncated as showed in follow: ```mermaid graph…
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Trouble installing mermaid command line interface

I'm trying to use the mermaid tool to build diagrams. I installed on windows using, yarn add mermaid after first downloading scoop and yarn. And then, to get the command line interface I used, yarn add mermaid.cli ./node_modules/.bin/mmdc…