Questions tagged [mediarecorder]

Mediarecorder is the Android class used for recording Audio and Video available since API Level 1. (For the Web-API, use the [web-mediarecorder] tag instead.)

994 questions
3 answers

Android - mute microphone while recording video

I'm recording a video with the camera, using the MediaRecorder class, after following a tutorial similiar to this;jsessionid=40151FCD26222877E151C3EEFB406EED?recipeId=1375&recipeFrom=ViewTOC And I want while…
Boldijar Paul
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2 answers

Problem with android MediaRecorder setVideoSize()

Can android MediaRecorder capture video with resolution higher than 320*240? When I used MediaRecorder::setVideoSize() to set the video size, the captured video were all at the resolution of 320*240. Whats even worse, the higher ones can not get a…
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3 answers

Android MediaRecorder stop() not being called

I have this really weird bug where some of my code is not being called, but doesn't look there is any reason why it wouldn't be called. onFinishedRecording gets called and the tag "Finished recording." gets logged out, but the code after that does…
The Nomad
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1 answer

Using android MediaRecorder

Below is the structure of my working code to record video and audio: Questions: 1) Why is the CamcorderProfile needed? setProfile(...) appears to set the dimensions to whatever QUALITY_HIGH gives, but later I set the dimensions I want with…
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4 answers

AudioSource.VOICE_CALL not working in android 4.0 but working in android 2.3

VOICE_CALL, VOICE_DOWNLINK ,VOICE_UPLINK not working on android 4.0 but working on android 2.3 (Actual Device),I have uploaded a dummy project to record all outgoing call so that you can see it for your…
Auto-Droid ツ
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3 answers

Send MediaRecorder blobs to server and build file on backend

I'm working on a website using nodejs and SailsJs. My objective is send the blobs generated by MediaRecorder.ondataavailable event (which returns small blobs) to the server and after finishing recording build the complete file on the server to store…
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2 answers

Why does the start() method of MediaRecorder throw an IllegalStateException?

I am trying to record audio but the start() method of MediaRecorder class throws an IllegalStateException. I use the following code: MediaRecorder recorder = new…
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How to send video to server from android,which able to play back in browser when go to the URL assign to it?

I send a video file(capture from camera) to my PHP server using Retrofit 2,the video is successfully uploaded to a folder in server(I checked with FileZilla, the video exists in the folder),I assign the video to a URL,I go to the same Url(using…
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2 answers

MediaRecorder - How to play chunk/blob of video while recording?

I currently have a MediaStream which is being recorded using MediaRecorder. At the end of the recording after recorder.stop(), it produce a Blob and I am able to play that video back. My goal is to play not the entire video at the end, but play a…
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2 answers

Camera Error "Can't Connect to the Camera" or in some phones the error appear "Camera is using by another app"

I have implemented to record audio in background using Android MediaRecorder if the audio recording is in progress and user open's the native camera to record video, it gives Camera Error "Can't Connect to the Camera" or on some phones, the error…
Naveed Ahmad
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4 answers

Android: How to initialize MediaRecorder without a valid surface for video preview?

I am building a camera app, where videos are continuously being captured and saved to the SD card. The videos are short (few minutes), and their length are preset with setMaxDuration(). The whole process works fine, while the main activity is in the…
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1 answer

Accessing video stream from Looxcie device

I'm looking to see if there's a way to get the audio and video streaming in from the bluetooth connection in an android app that I'd create. Looxcie has their own app which saves their video…
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1 answer

In Android Screen Recording - How can I get each frame?

I am using the MediaRecorder and MediaProjection Api for recording the screen in android app. I am not able to get each frame that I can send over a rtmp stream. For publishing over an RTMP stream I am using JAVACV Android library. For eg - In case…
umesh lohani
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0 answers

Consistent Empty Data using MediaRecorderAPI, intermittently

I have a simple setup for Desktop Capturing using html5 libraries. This includes a simple webpage and a chrome-extension. I am using Extension to get the sourceId Using the sourceId I call navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia to get the…
Amit Dugar
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3 answers

java.lang.RuntimeException: start failed at Method)

I am working on records a phone calls. When i start a record a phone call then it's unfortunately stop. & it's gives error MediaRecorder start fail -2147483648. I Please tell me what is the problem in my code? Here is my Code. public class…
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