Questions tagged [mcrypt]

MCrypt, and the accompanying libmcrypt, are intended to be replacements for the old Unix crypt, except that they are under the GPL and support an ever-wider range of algorithms and modes. MCrypt has not been updated since 2007

MCrypt implements numerous cryptographic algorithms, mostly block ciphers and stream ciphers, some of which falls under export restrictions in the United States. Algorithms include , , arcfour, enigma, ghost, LOKI97, RC2, serpent, threeway, twofish, wake, XTEA


Please note that the MCrypt library has not been updated since 2007. The PHP project has moved to deprecate and ultimately remove MCrypt from the PHP core and other projects will likely follow suit. It is highly recommended you switch to OpenSSL or another maintained encryption project.

918 questions
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Latest Version of MAMP errors on Mcrypt extension with Laravel update

I am getting the usual problem with a composer update in Laravel. I am using the latest MAMP install and it seems to be using the MAMP php. 'which php' returns php: aliased to /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/bin/php However, MAMP's php info…
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Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_encrypt

$key = '6yOFZuQis%7$oF_[M89=EV!a}\mzb7=B'; $iv = 'Fa)=zx"h^O8t.-s4nO-q#vTp,,ft;fCj'; $data = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, serialize($data), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv); $data=base64_encode($data); above code…
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php5 Mcrypt Refusing to be installed for Ubuntu

I've been trying to get MCRYPT to install for the past hour - To no avail Reply : php5-mcrypt: Depends: phpapi-20090626 Php version :PHP Version 5.4.6-2~lucid+1 Ubuntu 10.04 NGINX web server
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using mcrypt_create_iv in php

Ok so i am geting this error Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_create_iv() in ..... on line 8 Now ive done some reading and found out that i need to install or update my php, problem is im not using my university server and cant update…
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CentOS 6/PHP5 - Can't Install mcrypt?

I am trying to install mcrypt for PHP 5 on CentOS 6. I have the EPEL repository all set up, but whenever I try to install it, I get the following. yum --enablerepo=epel install php-mcrypt Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from…
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Encrypting a value with Mcrypt is using directory separator

I have a something that I want to encrypt and pass it via get in the URL, the value that I want to encrypt is something like '019230132_15/10/2012'(a number with a underline followed by a date in brazilian format), when I encrypt this value I get…
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trying to decrypt via php a password that i encrypted with javav

so my java looks like String epassword = Crypt.encryptStringToString((String) params.get("password")); I then store that in a DB. I need to decrypt it with PHP. Is there a way to do this? Thanks
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Enable extensions in PHP 5.5.2 - phpfarm - Ubuntu 16.04

Magento Warning Hello, I want to know how can I enable extensions using phpfarm. Thanks !
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C# Rfc2898DeriveBytes to PHP

I'm trying to adapt the following function from C# to PHP and I can't get it to work. I've already searched other threads, but couldn't find the right answer to solve my problem. public static string Decrypt(string EncryptedText) { byte[] bytes…
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How to install extensions not included on PHP 5.6? GDlib, DOM, MCrypt

I've recently installed PHP, Apache and MySQL on a windows server 2012. I have everything working and I already have a website up and running on the server. In the next few weeks I will be transferring a new site on this server however this new…
4 answers

Decrypting password in PHP

I have encrypted username and password in php using crypt function. How can I decrypt that username and password? $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND); $key = "This is a…
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How to remove mcrypt functions in php

The mcrypt module is deprecated in PHP 7.1, so I have to refactor my old encrypt / decrypt functions with the openssl functions. Actually I found no way doing this. My major problem is: The script still must be able to decrypt existing crypted data.…
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PHP7: mcrypt_cbc not work

please help to solve the problem. how to make it work for on php 7 ? function decr($string) { $key=""; $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_block_size (MCRYPT_CAST_32, MCRYPT_MODE_CFB), MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM); $string =…
2 answers

php encrypt a very large number to produce a smaller number

I am dealing with very large numbers. One of my algorithms requires a number 'x' to be smaller than another number 'n', in order to perform that algorithm. I was wondering is it possible to encrypt the very large number to produce a smaller number…
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3 answers

Download and install the php mcrypt extension under windows 10

where can I download and how to install the mcrypt extension for php 7.1 (TS,VC14) under Windows 10 / 64 bit. I need it for an akeneo project and this has dependencies using mcrypt (and not other extensions). I haven't found the right extension dll…
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