Questions tagged [mbstring]

MultiByte String in PHP

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180 questions
2 answers

WAMP: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() .... When going to localhost/phpmyadmin

I have enabled the mbstring extension by removing the ';': extension=php_mbstring.dll I am using the correct php.ini file, checked by using phpinfo(). Extension dir specified in php.ini: extension_dir = "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/ext/" Indeed, when…
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How do I install php-mbstring with missing dependency php-common which is already installed?

How do I get php-mbstring to recognize php-common? I am trying to install the php module php-mbstring so I can install phpMyAdmin on PHP version 5.2.10. Some info about my machine: cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5355 @ 2.66GHz, width: 64 bits OS:…
Brandon Dewey
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Trouble w. phpmyadmin install

I have done everything that I should [I think] to install phpmyadmin but then when I try to access it I always get this error message : "Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in…
0 answers

mbstring apache php server 2008

I have just completed a clean install of server 2008 with apache and php. all was workign great but having issues with phpmyadmin. digging furhter it seemed that the mbstring library was not being loaded. looking ay phpinfo() it outputs the…
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FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE #0 php5 apache2.2, not loading extensions, cli it works fine

It shows mbstring being loaded if I run php index.php from console. But if I load it from a website (Apache 2.2) it does not load mbstring. Apache 2.2 configure www:www as the user:group. I reinstalled Apache 2.2, PHP,…
0 answers

PHP charset issue(it is different)

I have an issue which is related to charset problem but it is different because I didn't have any Turkish character problem. However, if I want to it be upper, it will be problem. My Code is below //To Up title (Ş,I doesn't be upper) $haberbaslik =…
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mb_substr - how to make it work?

I'm creating a conjugator. When the user inputs a verb, the program changes the last 2 characters with corresponding endings for each person. The problem is that it only works without special characters - if I use any special characters, it doesn't…
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1 answer

mbstring module install redhat apache

I have a machine with no internet access and want to install mbstring module for apache with Redhat OS I can't use yum install, and i can't find the ./configure file that mentioned in many answers for the same question. downloaded the rpm file and…
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Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in Xampp after changing PHP version (PHPmyadmin)

I changed the default PHP version to an older one (5.3.28) but when I try to jump in to PHPMyadmin I get the error *Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in C:\xampp2\phpMyAdmin\libraries\php-gettext\ on line…
3 answers

Overriding PHP's Default String Functions with mb_string functions

So I've posted several questions related to making already existing software written in PHP to be updated to support unicode / utf8. One of the solutions is to override PHP's default string functions with PHP's mb_string functions. However, I see a…
J Johnson
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1 answer

Can't run composer update missing mbstring

SOLVED: I ended up using php 7.2 instead of php7.4 i removed 7.4 and install 7.2 So i am trying to configure Linux Ubuntu 20.04 server to run laravel, and i have nginx, mysql php7.4-fpm installed, i cloned my project from gitlab and now i want to…
1 answer

php first word only from mb string

I used preg_match but its returning pdf as it English that's why may be. But I want to get only 練馬春日町Ⅳ Is there any way to detect it for mb string.
Lemon Kazi
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How to install php7.0-mbstring in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Hi i want to know how to install mbstring in ubuntu i m not expert in linux, so i search but i can't find the answer, the cmd line 1 - php -m don't show the package. also the cmds line 2- sudo apt-get install php7.0-mbstrin 3- sudo apt-get…
1 answer

PHP mb_strpos not recognizing copyright symbol

I am trying to use the mb_strpos PHP function to search for the © symbol on certain webpages. $pagecontent = file_get_contents($website_url); if (mb_strpos($pagecontent, $string_to_find) === false) { // String /…
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