Questions tagged [mbed]

Use this tag for questions involving Arm Mbed open-source embedded operating system and IoT platform that is used with a large variety of Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers. When using this tag you must also identify the specific device being used as well as the development environment that you are using since Mbed can be used with a number of different IDEs.


Mbed OS is the leading open-source RTOS for the Internet of Things, speeding up the creation and deployment of IoT devices based on Arm processors.

With Mbed OS, you can develop IoT software in C++ with our free online IDE, generate optimized code with Arm C/C++ Compiler and run it on hundreds of hardware platforms.

The Mbed OS stack includes TLS, networking, storage and drivers, and is enhanced by thousands of code examples and libraries.

For some examples of products using Mbed, see Use Cases and Case Studies of IoT products which show a number of examples of different applications of microcontrollers and sensors to solve business problems in agriculture and manufacturing and other industry segments using Mbed.

Arm has this description of Mbed on their web site,

Arm Mbed OS is a free, open-source embedded operating system that includes all the necessary features to facilitate the development of IoT connected products, including standards-based security and connectivity stacks, an RTOS kernel, middleware for storage and networking, and remote device management. It is developed by Arm and our partners to tackle the challenges of creating and deploying IoT devices based on Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers.

The source is available on GitHub at

The licensing is described as:

The software is provided under the Apache-2.0 license. Contributions to this project are accepted under the same license. Please see for more information.

This project contains code from other projects. The original license text is included in those source files. They must comply with our license guide. Folders containing files under different permissive license than Apache 2.0 are listed in the LICENSE file.

409 questions
1 answer

curl commands to C# mbed API

can anyone help me translating this curl command to C# https GET request? curl -v -H 'Authorization: Bearer '
2 answers

Pass a class instance to another class by reference

I'm trying to pass a single instance of my "Status" class to all my other classes so that they can all set and get the status. I've been trying to do this by passing the "Status" class by reference into my "BaseStation" class. The code compiles fine…
Joseph Roberts
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1 answer

Why argument accept "text" but not string variable?

I am trying to combine integers x y z from an accelerometer on microbit into a string and then send it to serial port. I am using c++ in online mbed compiler here with the microbit DAL library. uBit.init(); uBit.serial.baud(115200); MicroBitI2C i2c…
1 answer

how to make interrupt every 6hrs

For my data logger project , I must store temperature values at every 6 hrs. I observe that ticker maximum time is 30 mins. Is there any way we can make interrupt at long duaration like 6hrs or 10hrs??. thank you.
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