Questions tagged [max-pooling]

For questions about max pooling (as well as average pooling) operation, commonly used in convolutional neural networks for downsampling.

122 questions
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Has anyone written weldon pooling for keras?

Has the Weldon pooling [1] been implemented in Keras? I can see that it has been implemented in pytorch by the authors [2] but cannot find a keras equivalent. [1] T. Durand, N. Thome, and M. Cord. Weldon: Weakly su- pervised learning of deep…
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How to improve the performance of my model with Keras Conv1D and Maxpooling1D

I work on the data of Facebook Babi Task, and after using the model with LSTM (as defined on this github ). Now I want to use a model with convolution and Maxpooling to learn. But…
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Problems with layers dimensions in CNN

I took this neural network configuration from and I do not understand why Matlab says that layer 8 cannot accept the data from layer 7 due to dimensions problems. These are the layers: layers = [ …
Luca Di Liello
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maxpooling error in Tenssoflow ;Check failed: dnnPoolingCreateForward_F32(..) == E_SUCCESS (-127 vs. 0)

I am learning tesnorflow from this blog: The code i am running is : I have…
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How can I get D averages from a HxWxD tensor

How can I create a graph element in Deeplearnjs which turns my [h, w, d] shape tensor in to one which is [d] shape where each is the max of that layer. If h and w are the same, this can be done with the maxpool function. If like the same for mean.…
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In Torch/Lua can I split/concat tensors as they flow through a network?

I'm a novice with Lua/Torch. I have an existing model that includes a max pooling layer. I want to take the input into that layer and split it into chunks, feeding each chunk into a new max pooling layer. I have written a stand-alone Lua script…
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how is the dimension of the activation being as an input to the pooling layer

I am using alexnet, you can see the structure of the network as following: Alexnet structure with outputs I used the activations function in Matlab to get the features of my data from the output of conv5 layer. The output is a feature vector with a…
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maxpooling of channels in CNN

I need to decrease the number of channels in CNN network. my input is a 4D object (samples, rows, column, channels). number of channels is 3 and my output for training has just one channel. is there anyway to do kind of max-pooling in channel…
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Understanding Tensorflow maxpooling

I am unable to understand why tensorflow maxpooling with my parameters. When performed a maxpool with ksize=2 and strides=2 i get the following output with both padding SAME and padding VALID input : (?, 28, 28, 1) conv2d_out : (?, 28, 28,…
Ansh David
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TensorFlow max_pool2d wrong output size

I'm trying to use a max pool layer with filter size 2x2, so I expect the output size to be roughly half the input size. The input size is 9x14x64, but for some reason the output size is 7x12x64 (see the attached TensorBoard graph). Here is the…
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Incompatibility of output size of pooling layer in CNN model described in Caffe vs Matlab

I have a Caffe CNN model, and I am trying to import it to MATLAB using importCaffeNetwork command, which gets prototxt and caffemodel files as input arguments. However, I get this error: The pooling layer 'pool1' is not compatible with MATLAB.…
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ValueError: Input 0 of layer max_pooling2d_2 is incompatible with the layer: expected ndim=4, found ndim=5. Full shape received: [1, None, 64, 64, 8]

I am doing a CNN online course assignment which builds a convolutional model. The instructions are listed as following: Exercise 2 - convolutional_model Implement the convolutional_model function below to build the following model: CONV2D -> RELU ->…
Nick X Tsui
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What is "incompatibility of min_ndim and expected ndim" in 3D CNN(Convolutional NN)?

I found many answers about similar questions, but they are almost about 'removing of flatten layer'. However I didn't use any flatten layer for input layer. So through searching I changed () into [] along the whole codes like…
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model.add(layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=3)) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

model.add(layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=3)) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax I got this error. what is the problem? I have searched it but found the same syntax almost everywhere This is my whole model. Are there others issues in the model?…
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E-net Deep learning architecture

The research paper is available on the link: Not able to understand the initial block of the Enet architecture. Statement given in research paper on page 3: ENet initial block. MaxPooling is performed with…
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