Questions tagged [mapserver]

MapServer is an Open Source geographic data rendering engine written in C, designed for fast display of dynamic maps on the Internet. Beyond browsing GIS data, MapServer allows you create “geographic image maps”, that is, maps that can direct users to content.

MapServer is an Open Source geographic data rendering engine written in C. Beyond browsing GIS data, MapServer allows you create “geographic image maps”, that is, maps that can direct users to content. For example, the Minnesota DNR Recreation Compass provides users with more than 10,000 web pages, reports and maps via a single application. The same application serves as a “map engine” for other portions of the site, providing spatial context where needed.

MapServer was originally developed by the University of Minnesota (UMN) ForNet project in cooperation with NASA, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR). Later it was hosted by the TerraSIP project, a NASA sponsored project between the UMN and a consortium of land management interests.

MapServer is now a project of OSGeo, and is maintained by a growing number of developers (nearing 20) from around the world. It is supported by a diverse group of organizations that fund enhancements and maintenance, and administered within OSGeo by the MapServer Project Steering Committee made up of developers and other contributors.

  • Advanced cartographic output
    • Scale dependent feature drawing and application execution
    • Feature labeling including label collision mediation
    • Fully customizable, template driven output
    • TrueType fonts
    • Map element automation (scalebar, reference map, and legend)
    • Thematic mapping using logical- or regular expression-based classes
  • Support for popular scripting and development environments
    • PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Java, and .NET
  • Cross-platform support
    • Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, and more
  • Support of numerous Open Geospatial Consortium
  • WMS (client/server), non-transactional WFS (client/server), WMC, WCS, Filter Encoding, SLD, GML, SOS, OM
  • A multitude of raster and vector data formats
    • TIFF/GeoTIFF, EPPL7, and many others via GDAL
    • ESRI shapfiles, PostGIS, ESRI ArcSDE, Oracle Spatial, MySQL and many others via OGR
  • Map projection support
    • On-the-fly map projection with 1000s of projections through the Proj.4 library
  • Website:

    206 questions
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    Mapserver : loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (C):(line 1)

    I am new to Mapserver. I have done sample application.. MAP NAME "Hello_World" SIZE 400 300 IMAGECOLOR 249 245 186 IMAGETYPE png EXTENT -1.00 -1.00 1.00 1.00 WEB TEMPLATE…
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    loadbalancing in Ubuntu servers with MapServer

    I have 3 Ubuntu 10.04 machines with MapServer installed and configured. I need to get load balancing among those 3 machines. I find that there are some third-party applications with different features. I am wondering if anyone has specific…
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    How do you get transparent background in a layer with UMN mapserver?

    I want to include different sources of maps in a mapclient. One source I provide myself with a self-written mapfile rendered by an UMN-mapserver. Problem is, that UMN renders the background (places there no feature is) as white, and if I combine…
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    Build/Install MapServer on own Server

    Is it possible to build or install MapServer on your own server? If yes, is there a documentation that could help me on how to do it or how it goes, or anyone that could tell me how. I have installed MapServer on my Windows and was able to run it on…
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    How can I configure a tilemap server in Kibana at AWS Elasticsearch?

    Is it possible to configure an external or privatly hosted tilemap server in Kibana of AWS Elasticsearch? My goal is to have zoom levels beyond level 7 (the current max in AES Kibana). According to the config page at…
    Jörg Rech
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    save a map in ROS

    I'm using ros indigo. When I am doing mapping then save it by: map_server map_server -f 'location' It gives me a warning that ... Using deprecated map server interface. Please switch to a new interface. and error that map_server could not open…
    Mohamed Saad
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    How to process layer templates using mapscript to respond to a WMS GetFeatureInfo request

    I'm trying to handle GetFeaturInfo WMS requests using c# mapscript. Prior to using mapscript our software passed WMS requests through to a CGI mapserver hosted on IIS. This processed a html template associated with each queried layer and substituted…
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    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable does not set any value

    i'm encountering this issue with only Windows Server 2016 (Win2016) and VisualStudio-redistributable 2015 (VS-redist-2015 = msvcp14) c# Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(key,val, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process) does not seem to set values that…
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    GIS project advice

    Hello: I have the following: 1. Shapefile of the world with the boundaries of each country -- Successfully imported shapefile into PostGIS database -- Can display map of the world in a browser via Openlayers. 2 A data (CSV) file where each…
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    OpenLayers 3 Box Selection With Polygon Shapefile Source

    I am trying to get attribute information from features in a WMS Shapefile layer being served by MS4W and viewed in OpenLayers3. Is there a way to get multiple feature information in one command like you can with the vector source method…
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    Mapserver doesn't accept certain svg files as symbols

    I'm trying to add a SYMBOL with a certain SVG file to my mapserver configs: SYMBOL NAME "info" TYPE svg IMAGE "etc/ico-inform.svg" END And I get 500 error when I try to open tilecache: Internal Server Error The server encountered an…
    Alexandr Lazarev
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    The php-mapscript does not work on Opensuse 13.1

    I installed php-extension php-mapscript-6.4.1 and restarted apache. The installation looks like successfully. The appropriate files is established as for other working extensions: In /etc/php5/conf.d/ directory: mapscript.ini with…
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    Framework for Mapserver GIS APP

    I'm trying to display on the web (read as create a GIS Web app) topo data layers stored in a POSTGIS/POSTGRES spatial database using mapserver. My problem is, although i happened to come across different gis frameworks that I could use, my lack of…
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    Notepad++ syntax highlighting for *.map

    I can't find how to customize syntax highlighting for mapfiles (*.map files) in Notepad++. I actually have add this syntax file recommended in this post. BUT the syntax highlighting is not good, probably because built for an old version of MapServer…
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    How to create a WFS Layer in Openlayers 3 from MapServer Source

    I haven't found an example of how to handle MapServer, specific Vectors via WFS in OpenLayers 3. If someone could provide an example, it would be much appreciated. As example: This how i created a Vector Layer from a MapServer via WFS Request in…
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