Questions tagged [magnific-popup]

Magnific Popup is a responsive lightbox & dialog script with focus on performance and providing best experience for user with any device (for jQuery or Zepto.js).

Magnific Popup is a responsive lightbox & dialog script with focus on performance and providing best experience for user with any device.

Official Site:

Light and modular

You can choose to include only the features that you need using the online build tool or by compiling it yourself with Grunt.js. Size of core JS file is about 3KB + each module weighs about 0.5KB (gzipped). Sass CSS preprocessor is used for easier skinning, but you're not obligated to use it.

Content is resized with CSS

The majority of lightbox plugins require you to define size of it via JS option. Magnific Popup does not - feel free to use relative units like EM's or resize lightbox with help of CSS media queries. Update content inside lightbox without worrying about how it'll resize and center.


Magnific Popup displays images before they're completely loaded to take full advantage of progressive loading. For in and out transitions CSS3 is used instead of slow JavaScript animation.

High-DPI (Retina) display support

Default controls are made with pure CSS, without external graphics. For the main image there is a built in way to provide appropriate source for different pixel density displays.

Conditional lightbox

Plugin has an option to automatically switch to alternative mobile-friendly source on small screen size. Brad Frost has a terrific article about this technique.

Memory management

Popup has an extendable micro templating engine that reuses existing DOM elements (example), which is especially useful when your popups same pattern.

718 questions
1 answer

Magnific-Popup: Multiple Instances of an Inline object on a gallery page?

I have a gallery that uses magnific-popup on inline 'more info' links. What I want is to get the popup content for each link that is clicked (since they're different), but I only get the result for the first link no matter what link I click. I've…
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Magnific Popup Uncaught TypeError: Property 'getImage' of object [object Object] is not a function

Here is my HTML:
1 answer

Simple Magnific pop-up does not fire

Pop-up not working - it's an iframe type, attempting to load a Google map. I've paired the code down to an absolute minimum. Using web developer toolbar in Firefox, I have confirmed that the linked js code is loading but clicking the link just…
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2 answers

magnific-popup ajax login form loading and submission to php file than show sucess message

Can magnific-popup ajax be used to open login form and then to pass values to php process file and once login is done it should show login success message. Is it possible to Ajaxify changing of content within the same single pop up by doing the…
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Pop-up not showing in IE (with magnific-popup)

I'm trying to implement magnific popup on my website. It works on IE10, Firefox end even on iPad. But for some reason the images are not showing in IE8 in popup mode. (I have not checked in IE9). All it shows is a white screen. What could be the…
Marc Willems
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generate HTML gallery

I am making gallery in HTML with Magnific Popup, I want to have 100 images, HTML markup have to looks like this
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Magnific Popup is not working

Not sure why the popup is not working. Console says: Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'magnificPopup' index.html:17 Here's my code:
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How to place title “inside” the image?

I am trying to customize the Magnific Popup plugin for my own purposes but it is missing a feature that I would like to use. How I can place title with a counter of browsing images into the image modal? Something like this: (source:…
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3 answers

Custom alert box, wait for input (yes / no) until resume javascript

Im using magnific popup for my site and found this script to create alert/confirm boxes: var confirmDialog = function(headline, message, yes, no) { var dialog = '
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Magnifier PopUp is not working..All file paths are correct

I am trying to open a popup when user click on link using Magnifier PopUp but its not working. files are in correct order but it's not working. My console says: Uncaught TypeError: window.$(...).magnificPopup is not a function Here's my…
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How do I prevent the page from unloading before the user has confirmed?

I have the popup appearing but the page continues to unload. How can I prevent the page from unloading until either the .js-close is clicked or the form in my popup is submitted? $(document).ready(() => { window.onbeforeunload = () => { …
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Can't get even a simple test example of Magnific Popup inline to work

I am going to go on and apologize from the start- I am sure this is a silly issue, but I just can't seem to find what I am doing wrong here (including searching stack overflow which has some questions on this) and it has literally been days. I've…
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how to create popup in angular

I need help I am creating a gallery with angular and magnific popup but it does not work at all well. When I enter the html route I need to refresh the search engine so that it works otherwise it does not work. I do not understand what the problem…
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